Fundamentos jurídicos que posibilitan a los abuelos a ejercer la tenencia de sus nietos en la ciudad de Iquitos en el 2023
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Actualmente, tener hijos no solo es un derecho de los padres, sino también de los padres a
priorizar sus intereses y proteger su integridad. También se puede entender de manera afectiva
como tener a su prole y disfrutar de su etapa de desarrollo con ellos.
Aunque la patria potestad es exclusiva de los padres, la tenencia se extiende a los
ascendientes designados judicialmente para cuidar el desarrollo integral de los menores, lo que se
conoce como tenencia. Sin embargo, hay ciertas limitaciones legales que deben superarse para
garantizar un desarrollo adecuado del menor, como desplazarse fuera del territorio y recibir
atención médica especializada, etc.
Para proteger sus intereses, se propone ampliar la tenencia de manera excepcional a los
abuelos, ya que en la actualidad es común que la familia sea extensa y que el menor se crie al lado
de los abuelos, tíos o hermanos debido a que ambos padres salen a trabajar, lo que da como
resultado el vínculo afectivo entre ambos.
Currently, having children is not only a right of parents, but also of parents to prioritize their interests and protect their integrity. It can also be understood in an emotional way as having your offspring and enjoying their stage of development with them. Although parental authority is exclusive to the parents, custody extends to the judicially appointed ascendants to take care of the comprehensive development of the minors, which is known as custody. However, there are certain legal limitations that must be overcome to guarantee adequate development of the minor, such as moving outside the territory and receiving specialized medical care, etc. To protect their interests, it is proposed to extend ownership exceptionally to grandparents, since currently it is common for the family to be extensive and for the minor to grow up next to grandparents, uncles or siblings because both parents leave to work, which results in the emotional bond between the two.
Currently, having children is not only a right of parents, but also of parents to prioritize their interests and protect their integrity. It can also be understood in an emotional way as having your offspring and enjoying their stage of development with them. Although parental authority is exclusive to the parents, custody extends to the judicially appointed ascendants to take care of the comprehensive development of the minors, which is known as custody. However, there are certain legal limitations that must be overcome to guarantee adequate development of the minor, such as moving outside the territory and receiving specialized medical care, etc. To protect their interests, it is proposed to extend ownership exceptionally to grandparents, since currently it is common for the family to be extensive and for the minor to grow up next to grandparents, uncles or siblings because both parents leave to work, which results in the emotional bond between the two.
Tenencia, Patria potestad, Tenencia exclusiva, Interés Superior del Niño, Tenure, Parental authority, Exclusive possession, Best Interest of the Child
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