Virus linfotropico de células T humanas en donantes de sangre que acuden al hospital III Iquitos EsSalud 2019
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Hasta la actualidad aún la donación de sangre continua siendo uno de los procedimientos irremplazables para salvar muchas vidas, sin embargo si no se toman las medidas adecuadas para garantizar su calidad, puede ser la causa de contagio de muchas enfermedades y complicar la vida y salud de los pacientes.
A pesar de que existe procedimientos de selección, evaluación y tamizaje serológico de las unidades sanguíneas a transfundir, existe el riesgo potencial de transmisión de infecciones por vía transfusional, el cual es una complicación de gran importancia en relación con la morbimortalidad en receptores de sangre, siendo uno de ellos la presencia del virus HTLV I-II que es un virus transmisible por hemocomponentes para lo cual se requiere tomar las medidas de precaución para poder disponer de sangre segura.
Por ello es importante conocer la epidemiología para el virus de HTLV I-II de cada región con respecto a esta infección, teniendo en cuenta que las complicaciones de esta patología pueden ser muy severas, con pronósticos poco esperanzadores y con tratamientos con poca probabilidad recuperativa.
La finalidad de este trabajo es conocer la Seroprevalencia de HTLV I-II en donantes atendidos en el Hospital III Essalud Iquitos 2019, para conocer nuestra realidad en cuanto a esta infección en comparación con epidemiologías de diversos lugares.
Métodos: Se desarrolló un estudio de tipo cuantitativo, descriptivo, transversal, observacional; con la finalidad de conocer cuál es la seroprevalencia de HTLV I-II en donantes atendidos en el Hospital III ESsalud Iquitos de Enero a Diciembre del 2019.
Resultados: Se encontró 13 casos Reactivos para HTLV I-II en los 2133 donantes que se atendieron en el Hospital III Essalud Iquitos que representa el 0.61 %; la mayor cantidad de donantes fueron del sexo masculino 86.9 % y por lo tanto también se encontró la mayor cantidad de casos Reactivos para HTLV I-II en este grupo de donantes. El grupo etáreo donde se encontró mayor cantidad de casos fue de 30 a 60 años con 10 casos (76,92 %) y la mayor cantidad de casos reactivos son de donantes de procedencia urbana (84.62 %)
Until now, blood donation continues to be one of the irreplaceable procedures to save many lives, however if adequate measures are not taken to guarantee its quality, it can be the cause of contagion of many diseases and complicate the life and health of the patients. Despite the existence of procedures for the selection, evaluation and serological screening of the blood units to be transfused, there is a potential risk of transmission of infections through transfusion, which is a complication of great importance in relation to morbidity and mortality in blood recipients. one of them being the presence of the HTLV I-II virus, which is a virus transmissible by hemocomponents, for which it is necessary to take precautionary measures in order to have safe blood. For this reason, it is important to know the epidemiology for the HTLV I-II virus in each region with respect to this infection, taking into account that the complications of this pathology can be very severe, with poor prognoses and with treatments with little recovery probability. The purpose of this work is to know the Seroprevalence of HTLV I-II in donors treated at Hospital III Essalud Iquitos 2019, to know our reality regarding this infection in comparison with epidemiologies from different places. Methods: A quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional, observational study was developed; in order to know what is the seroprevalence of HTLV I-II in donors treated at Hospital III ESsalud Iquitos from January to December 2019. Results: 13 Reactive cases for HTLV I-II were found in the 2133 donors who were treated at Hospital III Essalud Iquitos, which represents 0.61%; 86.9% were male donors and therefore the highest number of HTLV I-II Reactive cases was also found in this group of donors. The age group where the greatest number of cases was found was between 30 and 60 years old with 10 cases (76.92%) and the largest number of reactive cases are from donors of urban origin (84.62%).
Until now, blood donation continues to be one of the irreplaceable procedures to save many lives, however if adequate measures are not taken to guarantee its quality, it can be the cause of contagion of many diseases and complicate the life and health of the patients. Despite the existence of procedures for the selection, evaluation and serological screening of the blood units to be transfused, there is a potential risk of transmission of infections through transfusion, which is a complication of great importance in relation to morbidity and mortality in blood recipients. one of them being the presence of the HTLV I-II virus, which is a virus transmissible by hemocomponents, for which it is necessary to take precautionary measures in order to have safe blood. For this reason, it is important to know the epidemiology for the HTLV I-II virus in each region with respect to this infection, taking into account that the complications of this pathology can be very severe, with poor prognoses and with treatments with little recovery probability. The purpose of this work is to know the Seroprevalence of HTLV I-II in donors treated at Hospital III Essalud Iquitos 2019, to know our reality regarding this infection in comparison with epidemiologies from different places. Methods: A quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional, observational study was developed; in order to know what is the seroprevalence of HTLV I-II in donors treated at Hospital III ESsalud Iquitos from January to December 2019. Results: 13 Reactive cases for HTLV I-II were found in the 2133 donors who were treated at Hospital III Essalud Iquitos, which represents 0.61%; 86.9% were male donors and therefore the highest number of HTLV I-II Reactive cases was also found in this group of donors. The age group where the greatest number of cases was found was between 30 and 60 years old with 10 cases (76.92%) and the largest number of reactive cases are from donors of urban origin (84.62%).
Donante de sangre, Seroprevalencia, Infección por HTLV I-II, Transfusión sanguínea, Blood donor, Seroprevalence, HTLV I-II infection, Blood transfusion
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