La naturaleza jurídica del divorcio por causal de separación de hecho - casación n° 4664-2010-Puno (tercer pleno casatorio civil).
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Este trabajo de investigación explica por qué los jueces de familia otorgan una
indemnización al cónyuge más agraviado en los casos de divorcio, la pregunta
surge por las razones previstas en el artículo 333° inciso 12 del Código Civil,
Esta es la razón por la que se encuadra en la forma curativa del divorcio, lo que
significa que el cónyuge no tiene culpa, sino que el divorcio busca el fin de la
situación actual, lo que debe entenderse como su terminación efectiva. la
situación. La relación matrimonial termina cuando los cónyuges cesan de vivir y
convivir dentro del plazo prescrito por la ley; no obstante, del artículo 345-A° de
la misma ley se desprende que se puede conceder una indemnización a los
cónyuges perjudicados por un divorcio de hecho, pero hasta ahora la evaluación
y la concesión de la indemnización siguen siendo muy controvertidas entre los
administradores judiciales.
Si bien la nulidad bajo consideración es cierta, el criterio para determinar quién
es el cónyuge que más ha sufrido y por tanto merece una indemnización fue
establecido por el Tercer Pleno Casatorio Civil, y es evidente que el tratamiento
fáctico de la separación judicial en el derecho peruano es divorcio. de carácter
híbrido, es decir, una mezcla de facultades de divorcio y sanciones de divorcio,
lo que complica aún más el asunto, pues es importante mencionar que no es lo
mismo el divorcio por separación legal de hecho que la responsabilidad civil
extracontractual. La compensación derivada que se pretende es diferente,
porque los casos de familia tienen una estructura con componentes flexibles y el
juez de familia tiene facultades protectoras en relación con la aplicación de la ley,
por lo que en el desarrollo de este estudio también observamos en el trabajo que
el divorcio es incluido de manera indemnizatoria, no existe un desarrollo teórico
claro para la separación de hecho de los cónyuges, y la indemnización de daños
y perjuicios aplicable en esta acción de divorcio será la de indemnización justa y
This research work explains why family judges grant compensation to the most aggrieved spouse in divorce cases. The question arises for the reasons provided for in article 333, paragraph 12 of the Civil Code. This is the reason why It falls within the curative form of divorce, which means that the spouse is not at fault, but rather that the divorce seeks the end of the current situation, which should be understood as its effective termination. the situation. The marriage relationship ends when the spouses cease to live and cohabit within the period prescribed by law; However, from article 345-A° of the same law it is clear that compensation can be granted to spouses harmed by a de facto divorce, but until now the evaluation and granting of compensation remain highly controversial among judicial administrators. . Although the annulment under consideration is true, the criterion to determine who is the spouse who has suffered the most and therefore deserves compensation was established by the Third Civil Cassation Plenary, and it is evident that the factual treatment of judicial separation in law Peruvian is divorce. of a hybrid nature, that is, a mixture of divorce powers and divorce sanctions, which further complicates the matter, since it is important to mention that divorce due to de facto legal separation is not the same as non-contractual civil liability. The derived compensation sought is different, because family cases have a structure with flexible components and the family judge has protective powers in relation to the application of the law, so in the development of this study we also observed in the work that divorce is included as compensation, there is no clear theoretical development for the de facto separation of spouses, and the compensation for damages applicable in this divorce action will be fair and due compensation.
This research work explains why family judges grant compensation to the most aggrieved spouse in divorce cases. The question arises for the reasons provided for in article 333, paragraph 12 of the Civil Code. This is the reason why It falls within the curative form of divorce, which means that the spouse is not at fault, but rather that the divorce seeks the end of the current situation, which should be understood as its effective termination. the situation. The marriage relationship ends when the spouses cease to live and cohabit within the period prescribed by law; However, from article 345-A° of the same law it is clear that compensation can be granted to spouses harmed by a de facto divorce, but until now the evaluation and granting of compensation remain highly controversial among judicial administrators. . Although the annulment under consideration is true, the criterion to determine who is the spouse who has suffered the most and therefore deserves compensation was established by the Third Civil Cassation Plenary, and it is evident that the factual treatment of judicial separation in law Peruvian is divorce. of a hybrid nature, that is, a mixture of divorce powers and divorce sanctions, which further complicates the matter, since it is important to mention that divorce due to de facto legal separation is not the same as non-contractual civil liability. The derived compensation sought is different, because family cases have a structure with flexible components and the family judge has protective powers in relation to the application of the law, so in the development of this study we also observed in the work that divorce is included as compensation, there is no clear theoretical development for the de facto separation of spouses, and the compensation for damages applicable in this divorce action will be fair and due compensation.
Matrimonio, Divorcio, Separación de hecho, Cónyuge, Perjudicado, Indemnización, Marriage, Divorce, De facto separation, Spouse, Injured party, Compensation
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