Dimensiones del estrés laboral en el personal de una Institución Estatal, 2022
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La investigación identifica las dimensiones del estrés laboral en el
personalque labora en la Dirección Regional de Producción, ciudad de
Iquitos, 2022.
Estudio con enfoque cuantitativo, tipo descriptivo y diseño no
experimental.Población conformada por 42 trabajadores, se utilizó el
muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia siendo la muestra 42
trabajadores de la direcciónregional de la producción, ciudad Iquitos, se
utilizó la técnica psicométrica y la escala de estrés laboral de la
Organización Internacional del Trabajo / Organización Mundial de Salud.
Para el análisis de datos se consideró el programa SPSS v25,
alcanzandolos siguientes resultados, el 66,7% mostraron nivel leve de
estrés, el 28,6% nivelmoderado y el 4,8% nivel alto de estrés, en el clima
organizacional. Estructura organizacional, el 64,3%mostraron nivel leve de
estrés, el 23,8% nivel moderadoy el 11,9% nivel alto de estrés. Territorio
organizacional, el 71,4% mostraron nivelleve de estrés, el 28,6% nivel
moderado. Tecnología, el 47,6% mostraron nivel leve de estrés, el 42,9%
nivel moderado y el 9,5% nivel alto de estrés. Influenciadel líder, el 61,9%
mostraron nivel leve de estrés, el 35,7% nivel moderado y el 2,4% nivel
alto de estrés. Falta de cohesión, el 40,5% mostraron nivel leve de estrés,
el 54,8% nivel moderado y el 4,8% nivel alto de estrés. Respaldo de grupo,
el 61,9% mostraron nivel leve de estrés, el 33,3% nivel moderado y el
4,8% nivel alto de estrés. Concluye: el nivel de estrés en el personal que
laboraen la Dirección Regional De Producción fue leve.
The research identifies the dimensions of work stress in the personnel who work in the Regional Directorate of Production, city of Iquitos, 2022. Study with a quantitative approach, descriptive type and nonexperimentaldesign. Population made up of 42 workers, non-probabilistic sampling was usedfor convenience, the sample being 42 workers from the regional production management, Iquitos city, the psychometric technique and the work stress scaleof the International Labor Organization / World Organization were used. of health.For data analysis, the SPSS v25 program was considered, reaching the following results: 66.7% showed a mild level of stress, 28.6% a moderate leveland 4.8% a high level of stress, in the organizational climate. . Organizationalstructure, 64.3% showed a mild level of stress, 23.8% a moderate level and11.9% a high level of stress. Organizational territory, 71.4% showed mild level of stress, 28.6% moderate level. Technology, 47.6% showed a mild level of stress,42.9% a moderate level and 9.5% a high level of stress. Influence of the leader,61.9% showed a slight level of stress, 35.7% a moderate level and 2.4% a highlevel of stress. Lack of cohesion, 40.5% showed a slight level of stress, 54.8% amoderate level and 4.8% a high level of stress. Group support, 61.9% showed aslight level of stress, 33.3% a moderate level and 4.8% a high level of stress. Itconcludes: the level of stress in the personnel that works in the Regional Directorate of Production was slight.
The research identifies the dimensions of work stress in the personnel who work in the Regional Directorate of Production, city of Iquitos, 2022. Study with a quantitative approach, descriptive type and nonexperimentaldesign. Population made up of 42 workers, non-probabilistic sampling was usedfor convenience, the sample being 42 workers from the regional production management, Iquitos city, the psychometric technique and the work stress scaleof the International Labor Organization / World Organization were used. of health.For data analysis, the SPSS v25 program was considered, reaching the following results: 66.7% showed a mild level of stress, 28.6% a moderate leveland 4.8% a high level of stress, in the organizational climate. . Organizationalstructure, 64.3% showed a mild level of stress, 23.8% a moderate level and11.9% a high level of stress. Organizational territory, 71.4% showed mild level of stress, 28.6% moderate level. Technology, 47.6% showed a mild level of stress,42.9% a moderate level and 9.5% a high level of stress. Influence of the leader,61.9% showed a slight level of stress, 35.7% a moderate level and 2.4% a highlevel of stress. Lack of cohesion, 40.5% showed a slight level of stress, 54.8% amoderate level and 4.8% a high level of stress. Group support, 61.9% showed aslight level of stress, 33.3% a moderate level and 4.8% a high level of stress. Itconcludes: the level of stress in the personnel that works in the Regional Directorate of Production was slight.
Estrés, Laboral, Organizacional, Stress, Labor, Organizational.
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