Comportamiento del nanosílice en la resistencia a la compresión del concreto de alta resistencia, San Martín - Perú 2021
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Universidad Científica del Perú
En la actualidad en nuestro país por motivos de la pandemia del
COVID – 19 la industria de la construcción ha tenido un receso histórico, desde el año pasado nos encontramos semiparalizados, esto nos dio la oportunidad de investigar nuevos materiales de construcción y como
usarlo, esto nos permite la elaboración del concreto simple y también para
la elaboración del concreto de alta resistencia con una calidad superior a
los 420kg/cm2, la utilización de insumos como las nano partículas en el
sector de la construcción se viene dando con relativo auge, en esta
oportunidad se estará realizando una investigación utilizando la nano
partículas del dióxido de silicio como reemplazo parcial del cemento en la elaboración de una mezcla de concreto de alta resistencia con una calidad de F’c= 420 kg/cm2.
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal determinar
las mejores características físicas y mecánicas del concreto de alta
resistencia con una calidad de F’c = 420 kg/cm2, en merito a que se ha
sustituido en un 3%, 5%, 7% y 9% el cemento portland del tipo I por
partículas de nano sílice, todas estas acciones tomando en cuenta los
requerimientos técnicos de la normativa peruana.
Nowadays in our country for the covid-19 pandemic the building industry has had a historic break, since last year has been semi-paralyzed, this gave us the opportunity to investigate new building materials and the usage for the elaborate of simple concrete and also the preparation of high strength concrete with a quality higher than 420kg / cm2. The usage of inputs such as nanoparticles in the construction sector has been taking place with a relative boom, this time an investigation will be carried out using silicon dioxide nanoparticles of as a partial replacement for cement in the elaboration of a concrete mixture of high resistance with a quality of F'c = 420 kg / cm2. The main objective of this research is to determine the best physical and mechanical characteristics of high-strength concrete with a quality of F'c = 420 kg / cm2, due to the fact that it has been replaced by 3%, 5%, 7% and 9% Portland cement type I by silicon dioxide nanoparticles, all these actions taking into account the technical requirements of the Peruvian regulations.
Nowadays in our country for the covid-19 pandemic the building industry has had a historic break, since last year has been semi-paralyzed, this gave us the opportunity to investigate new building materials and the usage for the elaborate of simple concrete and also the preparation of high strength concrete with a quality higher than 420kg / cm2. The usage of inputs such as nanoparticles in the construction sector has been taking place with a relative boom, this time an investigation will be carried out using silicon dioxide nanoparticles of as a partial replacement for cement in the elaboration of a concrete mixture of high resistance with a quality of F'c = 420 kg / cm2. The main objective of this research is to determine the best physical and mechanical characteristics of high-strength concrete with a quality of F'c = 420 kg / cm2, due to the fact that it has been replaced by 3%, 5%, 7% and 9% Portland cement type I by silicon dioxide nanoparticles, all these actions taking into account the technical requirements of the Peruvian regulations.
Partículas de nanosilice, Resistencia a la compresión, Silicon dioxide nanoparticles, Compressive strength.
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