Influencia de los aditivos superplastificantes master ease 3900 y sikament 290 n en las propiedades del concreto cemento-arena, elaborado con agregado fino marginal, Iquitos - 2024
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La tesis denominada “INFLUENCIA DE LOS ADITIVOS SUPERPLASTIFICANTES MASTER EASE 3900 Y SIKAMENT 290 N EN LAS PROPIEDADES DEL CONCRETO CEMENTO-ARENA, ELABORADO CON AGREGADO FINO MARGINAL, IQUITOS - 2024”, es una investigación de tipo cuantitativo, de diseño transeccional correlacional, mediante el cual se buscó analizar los efectos de la aplicación de los aditivos superplastificantes Master Ease 3900 y Sikament 290 N en las propiedades del concreto cemento-arena elaborado con agregado fino marginal, Iquitos-2024.
Para el logro de los objetivos se diseñó la muestra patrón sin adición de aditivo y las muestras de estudio con superplastificantes Ease 3900 y Sikament 290 N con relación a/c 0.58, a/c 0.60 y a/c 0.62 y la dosificación de superplastificantes en 0.50% y 0.70%.
Los resultados demostraron que la aplicación de los aditivos superplastificantes Master Ease 3900 y Sikament 290 N, influyen positivamente en las propiedades físicas en estado fresco y en la resistencia a la compresión, resistencia a la flexión y módulo de elasticidad del concreto “cemento-arena” elaborado con agregado fino marginal, Iquitos – 2024.
The thesis called “INFLUENCE OF THE SUPERPLASTIFYING ADDITIVES MASTER EASE 3900 AND SIKAMENT 290 N ON THE PROPERTIES OF CEMENT-SAND CONCRETE, PREPARED WITH MARGINAL FINE AGGREGATE, IQUITOS - 2024”, is quantitative research, with a correlational transectional design, through the which sought to analyze the effects of the application of Master super plasticizing additives Ease 3900 and Sikament 290 N on the properties of cement-sand concrete made with marginal fine aggregate, Iquitos-2024. To achieve the objectives, the standard sample was designed without the addition of additive and the study samples with superplasticizers Ease 3900 and Sikament 290 N with a ratio of w/c 0.58, w/c 0.60 and w/c 0.62 and the dosage of superplasticizers at 0.50. % and 0.70%. The results demonstrated that the application of the super plasticizing additives Master Ease 3900 and Sikament 290 N, positively influence the physical properties in the fresh state and the compressive strength, flexural strength and elastic modulus of the “cement-sand” concrete. made with marginal fine aggregate, Iquitos – 2024.
The thesis called “INFLUENCE OF THE SUPERPLASTIFYING ADDITIVES MASTER EASE 3900 AND SIKAMENT 290 N ON THE PROPERTIES OF CEMENT-SAND CONCRETE, PREPARED WITH MARGINAL FINE AGGREGATE, IQUITOS - 2024”, is quantitative research, with a correlational transectional design, through the which sought to analyze the effects of the application of Master super plasticizing additives Ease 3900 and Sikament 290 N on the properties of cement-sand concrete made with marginal fine aggregate, Iquitos-2024. To achieve the objectives, the standard sample was designed without the addition of additive and the study samples with superplasticizers Ease 3900 and Sikament 290 N with a ratio of w/c 0.58, w/c 0.60 and w/c 0.62 and the dosage of superplasticizers at 0.50. % and 0.70%. The results demonstrated that the application of the super plasticizing additives Master Ease 3900 and Sikament 290 N, positively influence the physical properties in the fresh state and the compressive strength, flexural strength and elastic modulus of the “cement-sand” concrete. made with marginal fine aggregate, Iquitos – 2024.
Superplastificantes, Resistencia a la compresión, Resistencia a la flexión, Módulo de elasticidad, Superplasticizers, Compression resistance, Bending resistance, Modulus of elasticity
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