Vulneración del derecho a la debida motivacion y la afectación al debido proceso – casacion n.° 60-2016-junin
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La presente investigación partió del problema ¿Existe vulneración a la debida
motivación y la afectación al debido proceso en la casación N.° 60-2016 Junín?
Y el objetivo fue: Explicar si existe vulneración a la debida motivación y la
afectación al debido proceso en la casación N.° 60-2016 Junín. Se utilizó la
metodología de documentos de examinar de casos previos para llevar a cabo el
análisis. La muestra de estudio incluyó todas las sentencias de la Corte Suprema
de la República relacionadas con casos de derecho penal durante el año 2016.
En éste estudio, se aplicó un enfoque no experimental de diseño transaccional
correlacional. Para el análisis estadístico, se utilizará la estadística descriptiva
para evaluar cada variable por separado. Además, se hará uso de la bibliografía
especializada para respaldar la hipótesis planteada. Los resultados indicaron
que: Si existe vulneración a la debida motivación y afectación al debido proceso
en la Casación N.° 60-2016 Junín, asimismo, se determinó que existe una
contradicción lógica entre las diferentes declaraciones presentes en las
sentencias, lo que resulta en una violación de los controles endoprocesales y
extraprocesales establecidos como garantía para asegurar una motivación
adecuada en las resoluciones.
This investigation started from the problem: Is there a violation of due motivation and impairment of due process in cassation No. 60-2016 Junín? And the objective was: Explain whether there is a violation of due motivation and the impact on due process in cassation No. 60-2016 Junín. The methodology of examining documents from previous cases was used to carry out the analysis. The study sample included all the rulings of the Supreme Court of the Republic related to criminal law cases during the year 2016. In this study, a nonexperimental approach of correlational transactional design was applied. For statistical analysis, descriptive statistics will be used to evaluate each variable separately. In addition, specialized bibliography will be used to support the proposed hypothesis. The results indicated that: If there is a violation of due motivation and impairment of due process in Cassation No. 60-2016 Junín, it was also determined that there is a logical contradiction between the different statements present in the sentences, which results in a violation of the endoprocedural and extraprocedural controls established as a guarantee to ensure adequate motivation in the resolutions.
This investigation started from the problem: Is there a violation of due motivation and impairment of due process in cassation No. 60-2016 Junín? And the objective was: Explain whether there is a violation of due motivation and the impact on due process in cassation No. 60-2016 Junín. The methodology of examining documents from previous cases was used to carry out the analysis. The study sample included all the rulings of the Supreme Court of the Republic related to criminal law cases during the year 2016. In this study, a nonexperimental approach of correlational transactional design was applied. For statistical analysis, descriptive statistics will be used to evaluate each variable separately. In addition, specialized bibliography will be used to support the proposed hypothesis. The results indicated that: If there is a violation of due motivation and impairment of due process in Cassation No. 60-2016 Junín, it was also determined that there is a logical contradiction between the different statements present in the sentences, which results in a violation of the endoprocedural and extraprocedural controls established as a guarantee to ensure adequate motivation in the resolutions.
Sentencia casatoria, Debido proceso, Colusión, Debida motivación, Appeal, Due process, Collusion, Due motivation
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