La tutela jurisdiccional efectiva y el adulterio como causal de divorcio en la ciudad de Iquitos en el 2022
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El objetivo de esta investigación es examinar la regulación del adulterio como causal de divorcio en el derecho civil peruano, con el fin de demostrar lo difícil que es para el cónyuge agraviado invocarla debido a las limitaciones que lo enviste.
Si una ley es efectiva, solo podrá ser utilizada en conjunto con los procedimientos legales, herramientas, recursos y medios necesarios para obtener una protección legal efectiva.
Por lo tanto, el objetivo de un análisis de la jurisprudencia nacional es demostrar la infundabilidad de las decisiones de los jueces cuando se plantea el adulterio como causal de divorcio en los tribunales.
Para lograr el objetivo de la investigación, se requirió realizar una investigación sobre la razón detrás del adulterio en Perú, así como una evaluación del significado y alcance del derecho a una tutela jurisdiccional efectiva, entre otros derechos que permitan el desarrollo de la misma.
Además, se llevaron a cabo entrevistas con expertos en el campo en cuestión con el fin de obtener opiniones confiables sobre el tema y confrontarlas con los hallazgos del estudio de campo. Esto nos permitiría obtener una mejor comprensión del hecho planteado en el problema de investigación y determinar si la hipótesis mencionada es consistente con los resultados obtenidos.
Después de analizar el teórico relevante y contrastarlo con la realidad, se llegó a la conclusión de que no hay criterios para demostrar la causa del adulterio en Perú, lo que afectaría el derecho del cónyuge agraviado a una tutela jurisdiccional efectiva. Esto respalda la hipótesis planteada.
The objective of this research is to examine the regulation of adultery as a cause for divorce in Peruvian civil law, in order to demonstrate how difficult it is for the aggrieved spouse to invoke it due to the limitations it faces. If a law is effective, it can only be used in conjunction with the legal procedures, tools, resources and means necessary to obtain effective legal protection. Therefore, the objective of an analysis of national jurisprudence is to demonstrate the unfoundability of judges' decisions when adultery is raised as a ground for divorce in court. To achieve the objective of the research, it was necessary to conduct an investigation into the reason behind adultery in Peru, as well as an evaluation of the meaning and scope of the right to effective jurisdictional protection, among other rights that allow its development. In addition, interviews were carried out with experts in the field in question in order to obtain reliable opinions on the topic and compare them with the findings of the field study. This would allow us to obtain a better understanding of the fact posed in the research problem and determine if the aforementioned hypothesis is consistent with the results obtained. After analyzing the relevant theory and contrasting it with reality, it was concluded that there are no criteria to demonstrate the cause of adultery in Peru, which would affect the right of the aggrieved spouse to effective jurisdictional protection. This supports the proposed hypothesis.
The objective of this research is to examine the regulation of adultery as a cause for divorce in Peruvian civil law, in order to demonstrate how difficult it is for the aggrieved spouse to invoke it due to the limitations it faces. If a law is effective, it can only be used in conjunction with the legal procedures, tools, resources and means necessary to obtain effective legal protection. Therefore, the objective of an analysis of national jurisprudence is to demonstrate the unfoundability of judges' decisions when adultery is raised as a ground for divorce in court. To achieve the objective of the research, it was necessary to conduct an investigation into the reason behind adultery in Peru, as well as an evaluation of the meaning and scope of the right to effective jurisdictional protection, among other rights that allow its development. In addition, interviews were carried out with experts in the field in question in order to obtain reliable opinions on the topic and compare them with the findings of the field study. This would allow us to obtain a better understanding of the fact posed in the research problem and determine if the aforementioned hypothesis is consistent with the results obtained. After analyzing the relevant theory and contrasting it with reality, it was concluded that there are no criteria to demonstrate the cause of adultery in Peru, which would affect the right of the aggrieved spouse to effective jurisdictional protection. This supports the proposed hypothesis.
Adulterio, Divorcio, Tutela jurisdiccional, Cónyuge, Matrimonio, Adultery, Divorce, Jurisdictional guardianship, Spouse, Marriage
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