El Tracto Sucesivo En Un Proceso De Reivindicación Casación 6774-2019 Ventanilla
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El derecho a la propiedad implica que una persona tiene el derecho legal de poseer bienes, ya sea de forma individual o colectiva, y que puede utilizarlos de acuerdo con sus intereses y necesidades. Además, este derecho también implica que la propiedad está protegida contra interferencias indebidas por parte de terceros o del Estado, salvo en casos específicos establecidos por la ley.
En el contexto de los bienes heredados, el derecho a la propiedad se aplica a los herederos legales que tienen derecho a reclamar la propiedad de los bienes que forman parte de una herencia. Los herederos tienen el derecho legal de poseer y disponer de los bienes heredados de acuerdo con las disposiciones legales y las voluntades del fallecido.
Es importante tener en cuenta que el derecho a la propiedad está sujeto a ciertas limitaciones y regulaciones establecidas por la ley, con el fin de proteger los derechos de terceros y garantizar el bienestar común. Por lo tanto, es fundamental conocer y respetar las normativas legales aplicables en cada caso para ejercer el derecho a la propiedad de manera adecuada y legal.
The right to property implies that a person has the legal right to own property, whether individually or collectively, and that he can use it according to his interests and needs. In addition, this right also implies that property is protected against undue interference by third parties or the State, except in specific cases established by law. In the context of inherited property, the right to property applies to legal heirs who have the right to claim ownership of property that is part of an inheritance. Heirs have the legal right to possess and dispose of inherited property in accordance with legal provisions and the will of the deceased. It is important to keep in mind that the right to property is subject to certain limitations and regulations established by law, in order to protect the rights of third parties and guarantee the common well-being. Therefore, it is essential to know and respect the legal regulations applicable in each case to exercise the right to property in an appropriate and legal manner.
The right to property implies that a person has the legal right to own property, whether individually or collectively, and that he can use it according to his interests and needs. In addition, this right also implies that property is protected against undue interference by third parties or the State, except in specific cases established by law. In the context of inherited property, the right to property applies to legal heirs who have the right to claim ownership of property that is part of an inheritance. Heirs have the legal right to possess and dispose of inherited property in accordance with legal provisions and the will of the deceased. It is important to keep in mind that the right to property is subject to certain limitations and regulations established by law, in order to protect the rights of third parties and guarantee the common well-being. Therefore, it is essential to know and respect the legal regulations applicable in each case to exercise the right to property in an appropriate and legal manner.
Reivindicación, Mejor derecho de propiedad, Recurso de casación, Documento de fecha cierta, Sucesión, Claim, Better property righ, Cassation appeal, Document of certain date, Succession
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