Prevalencia y características epidemiológicas de esquizofrenia en el Hospital Iquitos 'César Garayar García', periodo 2010 - 2014
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo conocer y analizar la prevalencia y las características epidemiológicas de los pacientes atendidos con diagnóstico de esquizofrenia en el Hospital Iquitos "César Garayar García", durante los años 2010 al 2014. Es un estudio descriptivo, observacional y retrospectivo, que fue realizado utilizando la técnica de auditoría de historias clínicas.
La población estudiada fueron todos los pacientes con Esquizofrenia, provenientes de los consultorios de Psicología y de Psiquiatría, quienes fueron tratados en los años 2010 al 2014. Los pacientes admitidos en el estudio tenían historias clínicas escritas con letra legible.
La prevalencia de esquizofrenia en el Hospital Iquitos durante los años 2010 al 2014 fue de 0.027%. Se estudiaron en total 151 casos (51% mujeres y 49% varones) con edades comprendidas entre 16 a 75 años. Encontramos que en la actualidad el grupo más afectado fueron los adultos jóvenes, entre los 21 a 30 años correspondiendo a un 31.1% de los pacientes. En ambos sexos predominaron los pacientes que provienen del distrito de Iquitos con un 46%. Los que tuvieron una aparición más temprana de la enfermedad fueron los adolescentes y los adultos-jóvenes de 16 a 25 años, con un 62.2%.
La mayoría de pacientes contaban con educación secundaria, correspondiendo ésta a un 51%. E1 48.3% de la población estudiada se encuentra sin ejercer algún trabajo u oficio, y la minoría son los pacientes que tienen un trabajo estable con un 2%. El estado civil sobresaliente fue 'soltero', con un 74.2%, la minoría la conformaron los casados y los viudos, con un 9.9% y 1,3% respectivamente El subtipo de diagnóstico con mayor predominancia fue la esquizofrenia paranoide con un 92.7%. Del total de los casos, un 16.6% de pacientes presentan una comorbilidad, la que tuvo mayor predominancia fue la epilepsia con un 8.6%.
El 17.2% de pacientes afirman seguir consumiendo alcohol y/o drogas en la actualidad, pese a su tratamiento farmacológico y el 25.2%de los pacientes estudiados tuvo algún intento de suicidio previo.
Prevalecieron las familias extensas y las nucleares, ambos con un 38.1%. El 72.2% de los pacientes tienen al padre vivo y un 81.5% tienen a la madre viva; predominando en ambos progenitores contar con estudios secundarios y trabajos independientes. El porcentaje para los padres que presentaban algún tipo de enfermedad mental es de 4% para los papás y 6.6% para las madres. Un 35.8% de pacientes con diagnóstico de esquizofrenia refieren tener hijos, y un 74.8% de los pacientes manifiestan tener hermanos.
Un 29.1% de los casos estudiados declaró tener un miembro de su familia con esquizofrenia, predominando los familiares en tercer grado con un 11.3%. Un 33.1% de los casos estudiados declaró tener un miembro de su familia con otra enfermedad mental que no sea esquizofrenia; predominando los familiares con epilepsia y trastornos de la personalidad.
El año donde hubo más atenciones de pacientes con esquizofrenia en el establecimiento fue el 2010, con un 49.7% del total de la población estudiada. Un 60.3% de pacientes acudieron al Hospital Iquitos para sus atenciones antes del año2010, mientras que un 39.7% son casos nuevos que acudieron a partir de ese año.
El consultorio que realizó más atenciones entre los años 2010 y 2014 a los pacientes con diagnóstico de esquizofrenia fue el consultorio de PSIQUIATRÍA, con un 98.7%; seguido por el consultorio de PSICOLOGÍA con un 42.4%, ambos consultorios compartieron la atención de algunos casos.
The aim of this study wvas to identify and analyze the prevalence and epidcmiological characteristics of patients treated wvith schizophrenia in "Hospital Iquitos 'César Garayar García", during the years 2010 to 2014. It's a descriptive, obscrvational and rctrospective study that was performed using thc technique of audit of mcdical records. The study population were all patients with schizophrenia, from the Psychology and Psychiatry's departmcnts, who were trcatcd in the ycars 2010 to 2014. Patients admitted to the study had wvritten medical records legibly. The prevalence of schizophrenia in this hospital during the years 201 O to 2014 was 0.027%. 151 cases (51% female and 49% male) aged 16 to 75 years were studied in total. We found that currently the most affected group were young adults, betwveen 21 to 30 years corresponding to 31.1% ofparients. Both sexes hada predomination of patients from the !quitos district making them the 46% ofthe total. Those who hadan earlier onset of the disease were adolescents and adult-youths aged 16 to 25 years, wvith 62.2% of the total. Most patients had the high school education complete, corresponding this to 51 %. A 48.3% of the study population are found not currcntly cxcrting any kind of work or tradc, being the minority, the 2%, who hada permanent job. The outstanding marital status was 'single', with 74.2%, the minority wvere married and widowcrs, forming the 9.9% and 1.3% respcctivcly. The diagnostic subtype wvith more prevalence was paranoid schizophrenia with 92.7%. From the total cases, 16.6% of patients have a comorbidity being cpilepsy the predominant with 8.6%. 17.2% of patients statcs that thcy continuc consuming alcohol and/or drugs at present, despitc thcir drug treatmcnt and 25.2% of the paticnts had a prcvious suicide attempt. Extended and nuclear familics prevailed, both wvith 38.1 %. 72.2% of patients have a living father and 81.5% had a living mothcr; in most of the cases, both parents have secondary education and independcnt work. Thc pcrccntage for parcnts wvho had some kind of mental illness is 4% for fathers and 6.6% for mothers. A 35.8% of patients diagnosed wvith schizophrenia report having children and 74.8% of patientsreport having siblings. 29.1% ofthe studicd cases reported havinga familymembcr with schizophrcnia, predominating thirddcgree relativcs with 11.3%. 33.1% of the studicd cases reportcd having a family member with mental illness other than schizophrcnia; predominating relatives with cpilepsy andpersonality disorders. The year where thcrc was more attentions to patients with schizophrenia were in the 2010 with 49.7% ofthe total studied cases. A 603% of patients wcnt to thc Hospital Iquitos bcfore the 2010, meanwhile the 39.7% are necases that went from that year and on. The department that realized most of the attentions to the patients diagnosed wvith schizophrenia between the years 2010 and 2014were the dcparment of PSYCHIJ\TRY with the 98.7% of the cases followed by the department of PSYCHOLOGY vith42.4%, bothdepartments shared sorne cases.
The aim of this study wvas to identify and analyze the prevalence and epidcmiological characteristics of patients treated wvith schizophrenia in "Hospital Iquitos 'César Garayar García", during the years 2010 to 2014. It's a descriptive, obscrvational and rctrospective study that was performed using thc technique of audit of mcdical records. The study population were all patients with schizophrenia, from the Psychology and Psychiatry's departmcnts, who were trcatcd in the ycars 2010 to 2014. Patients admitted to the study had wvritten medical records legibly. The prevalence of schizophrenia in this hospital during the years 201 O to 2014 was 0.027%. 151 cases (51% female and 49% male) aged 16 to 75 years were studied in total. We found that currently the most affected group were young adults, betwveen 21 to 30 years corresponding to 31.1% ofparients. Both sexes hada predomination of patients from the !quitos district making them the 46% ofthe total. Those who hadan earlier onset of the disease were adolescents and adult-youths aged 16 to 25 years, wvith 62.2% of the total. Most patients had the high school education complete, corresponding this to 51 %. A 48.3% of the study population are found not currcntly cxcrting any kind of work or tradc, being the minority, the 2%, who hada permanent job. The outstanding marital status was 'single', with 74.2%, the minority wvere married and widowcrs, forming the 9.9% and 1.3% respcctivcly. The diagnostic subtype wvith more prevalence was paranoid schizophrenia with 92.7%. From the total cases, 16.6% of patients have a comorbidity being cpilepsy the predominant with 8.6%. 17.2% of patients statcs that thcy continuc consuming alcohol and/or drugs at present, despitc thcir drug treatmcnt and 25.2% of the paticnts had a prcvious suicide attempt. Extended and nuclear familics prevailed, both wvith 38.1 %. 72.2% of patients have a living father and 81.5% had a living mothcr; in most of the cases, both parents have secondary education and independcnt work. Thc pcrccntage for parcnts wvho had some kind of mental illness is 4% for fathers and 6.6% for mothers. A 35.8% of patients diagnosed wvith schizophrenia report having children and 74.8% of patientsreport having siblings. 29.1% ofthe studicd cases reported havinga familymembcr with schizophrcnia, predominating thirddcgree relativcs with 11.3%. 33.1% of the studicd cases reportcd having a family member with mental illness other than schizophrcnia; predominating relatives with cpilepsy andpersonality disorders. The year where thcrc was more attentions to patients with schizophrenia were in the 2010 with 49.7% ofthe total studied cases. A 603% of patients wcnt to thc Hospital Iquitos bcfore the 2010, meanwhile the 39.7% are necases that went from that year and on. The department that realized most of the attentions to the patients diagnosed wvith schizophrenia between the years 2010 and 2014were the dcparment of PSYCHIJ\TRY with the 98.7% of the cases followed by the department of PSYCHOLOGY vith42.4%, bothdepartments shared sorne cases.
Alcohol, Población, Alcohol, Population
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