Autoestima y desgaste profesional en el personal policial de una Comisaria De La Policía Nacional Del Perú - Iquitos, 2021
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El presente estudio de enfoque cuantitativo no experimental de diseño
descriptivo correlacional, tiene por objetivo determinar la relación entre
Autoestima y las Dimensiones del Desgate Profesional en el personal policial de
una comisaria de Iquitos, Perú. Se utilizó el Inventario de Autoestima de
Coopersmith .y el Inventario de Burnout de Maslash y Jackson, en una muestra
de 93 policías donde el 80,6% son de sexo masculino, el 41,9% tiene entre 21 y
30 años de edad, el 65,6% son solteros, el 62,3% laboran entre 1 y 10 años en la
institución, y el 72% realiza labor operativa.
Se encontró que el 44,1% de policías presenta nivel Promedio de Autoestima, el
33,3% nivel Alto y el 22,6% nivel bajo. En las Dimensiones del Desgaste
Profesional se encontró que el 51,6% tiene Bajo nivel de Cansancio Emocional,
el 21,5% nivel Alto y el 20,4% nivel medio; en la dimensión Despersonalización
el 58,1% tiene nivel Bajo, el 26,9% nivel Medio y el 21,5% nivel Alto; y en la
dimensión de Realización Personal el 48,4% tiene nivel Bajo, el 26,9% nivel
medio y el 24,7% nivel Alto. Respecto al Síndrome de Burnout, el 7,5% de
policías presenta el síndrome.
Se halló correlación significativa de tipo inversa en grado moderado, entre la
Autoestima y el Cansancio Emocional. Entre Autoestima y Despersonalización
se encontró correlación significativa de tipo inversa en grado bajo. Y entre
Autoestima y Realización Personal se encontró correlación de tipo directa en
grado moderado.
The objective of this non-experimental quantitative study with a descriptive correlational design is to determine the relationship between Self-esteem and the Dimensions of Professional Burnout in the police personnel of a police station in Iquitos, Peru. The Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory and the Maslash and Jackson Burnout Inventory were used in a sample of 93 policemen where 80.6% are male, 41.9% are between 21 and 30 years old, 65.6% are single, 62.3% work between 1 and 10 years in the institution, and 72% perform operational work. It was found that 44.1% of police officers have an Average level of Selfesteem, 33.3% a High level and 22.6% a low level. In the Dimensions of Professional Burnout, it was found that 51.6% have a Low level of Emotional Exhaustion, 21.5% a High level and 20.4% a medium level; in the Depersonalization dimension, 58.1% have a Low level, 26.9% a Medium level and 21.5% a High level; and in the Personal Achievement dimension, 48.4% have a Low level, 26.9% a medium level and 24.7% a High level. Regarding Burnout Syndrome, 7.5% of police officers present the syndrome. A significant inverse correlation was found to a moderate degree, between Self-esteem and Emotional Exhaustion. Between Self-esteem and Depersonalization, a significant low-grade inverse correlation was found. And between Self-esteem and Personal Accomplishment, a direct correlation was found to a moderate degree.
The objective of this non-experimental quantitative study with a descriptive correlational design is to determine the relationship between Self-esteem and the Dimensions of Professional Burnout in the police personnel of a police station in Iquitos, Peru. The Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory and the Maslash and Jackson Burnout Inventory were used in a sample of 93 policemen where 80.6% are male, 41.9% are between 21 and 30 years old, 65.6% are single, 62.3% work between 1 and 10 years in the institution, and 72% perform operational work. It was found that 44.1% of police officers have an Average level of Selfesteem, 33.3% a High level and 22.6% a low level. In the Dimensions of Professional Burnout, it was found that 51.6% have a Low level of Emotional Exhaustion, 21.5% a High level and 20.4% a medium level; in the Depersonalization dimension, 58.1% have a Low level, 26.9% a Medium level and 21.5% a High level; and in the Personal Achievement dimension, 48.4% have a Low level, 26.9% a medium level and 24.7% a High level. Regarding Burnout Syndrome, 7.5% of police officers present the syndrome. A significant inverse correlation was found to a moderate degree, between Self-esteem and Emotional Exhaustion. Between Self-esteem and Depersonalization, a significant low-grade inverse correlation was found. And between Self-esteem and Personal Accomplishment, a direct correlation was found to a moderate degree.
Autoestima, Burnout, Cansancio Emocional, Despersonalización, Realización Personal, Correlación, Self-esteem, Burnout, Emotional Exhaustion, Depersonalization, Personal Accomplishment, Correlation
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