Procedencia de la tercería preferente de pago en un procedimiento administrativo de ejecución coactiva, Iquitos, 2023
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La presente investigación partió del problema ¿Resultan procedentes las
demandas de tercería preferente de pago respecto de bienes objeto de
procedimiento administrativo de ejecución coactiva?, teniendo como objetivo
principal: Determinar si resultan procedentes las demandas de tercería preferente
de pago respecto de bienes objeto de procedimiento administrativo de ejecución
coactiva. La población vendrá a ser los Abogados Litigantes del Colegio de
Abogados de Loreto, la muestra estuvo conformada por 66 abogados litigantes del
Colegio de Abogados de Loreto. El diseño que se empleó en la presente
investigación es la “No experimental de tipo transaccional o transversal de nivel
descriptivo”. Para el análisis estadístico se usó la estadística descriptiva, para el
estudio de las variables de manera independiente y para demostración de las
hipótesis se usó la prueba paramétrica chi cuadrado (x2). Los resultados indicaron
que: Sí resultan procedentes las demandas de tercería preferente de pago
respecto de bienes objeto de procedimiento administrativo de ejecución coactiva,
al amparo del derecho a la tutela jurisdiccional efectiva y el principio del artículo
IX del Código Procesal Civil aplicado supletoriamente al Código Tributario.
The present investigation was based on the problem: Are the claims for third party preference of payment in respect of assets subject to administrative coercive execution procedure, having as main objective: To determine if the claims for third party preference of payment in respect of assets subject to administrative coercive execution procedure are appropriate. The population consisted of the trial lawyers of the Loreto Bar Association; the sample consisted of 66 lawyers of the Loreto Bar Association. The design used in this research is the "non-experimental transactional or transversal type of descriptive level". For the statistical analysis, descriptive statistics were used to study the variables independently and to demonstrate the hypotheses, the parametric chi-square test (x2) was used. The results indicated that: Preferential third party claims for payment with respect to assets subject to administrative coercive enforcement proceedings are indeed admissible, under the right to effective judicial protection and the principle of article IX of the Civil Procedural Code applied supplementarily to the Tax Code.
The present investigation was based on the problem: Are the claims for third party preference of payment in respect of assets subject to administrative coercive execution procedure, having as main objective: To determine if the claims for third party preference of payment in respect of assets subject to administrative coercive execution procedure are appropriate. The population consisted of the trial lawyers of the Loreto Bar Association; the sample consisted of 66 lawyers of the Loreto Bar Association. The design used in this research is the "non-experimental transactional or transversal type of descriptive level". For the statistical analysis, descriptive statistics were used to study the variables independently and to demonstrate the hypotheses, the parametric chi-square test (x2) was used. The results indicated that: Preferential third party claims for payment with respect to assets subject to administrative coercive enforcement proceedings are indeed admissible, under the right to effective judicial protection and the principle of article IX of the Civil Procedural Code applied supplementarily to the Tax Code.
Tercería preferente, Tercería de propiedad, Procedencia, Demanda, Ejecución coactiva, Procedimiento administrativo, Preferred third party, Third party of ownership, Procedence, Claim, Coercive execution, Administrative procedure
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