Prevalencia del parasitismo intestinal por microscopia directa en materia fecal y su relación con las características epidemiológicas de los niños menores de cinco años del Albergue Casa de la Niña de Loreto 2015
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Antecedentes.- La parasitosis intestinal en los niños constituye un problema de salud pública que debe ser valorado periódicamente. La incidencia, intensidad y prevalencia de los parásitos es mayor que en los niños que en los adultos, debido posiblemente a la falta de resistencia natural o adquirida y a las diferencias de comportamiento y hábitos.
Objetivo.- Identificar la prevalencia del parasitismo intestinal por microscopia directa en materia fecal y su relación con las características epidemiológicas de los niños menores de cinco años del albergue Casa de la Niña de Loreto 2015.
Metodología.- El estudio es de tipo descriptivo de corte transversal, el universo estuvo construido por 120 personas menores de cinco años. Los representantes firmaron el consentimiento informado, previa aplicación de la encuentra que contenía datos de DNI e información relacionada con las variables de estudio. Las muestras de heces fueron procesadas en el laboratorio clínico cumpliendo normas de bioseguridad y control de calidad. La información obtenida se tabuló en el programa SPSS y las Tablas en Excel.
Resultados.- Se determinó que de 120 muestras analizadas el 68% están parasitadas, de estas el 73% tienen monoparasitismo y el 27% poliparasitismo. De los parásitos el quiste Blactocystis Hominis 31.7% Quiste Giardia Lambia 20.7% Quiste Entamueba Coli 14.6% Huevo de Ascaris Lumbricoides 9.8% Trofozoito Trichomonas Hominis 7.3% Larva Estrongyloides stercoralis 8.5% Quiste Lodamueba Butschilii 7.3%.
Background.- Intestinal parasitosis in children constitutes a public health problem that must be evaluated periodically. The incidence, intensity and prevalence of parasites is higher in children than in adults, possibly due to the lack of natural or acquired resistance and differences in behavior and habits. Objective.- Identify the prevalence of intestinal parasitism by direct microscopy in fecal matter and its relationship with the epidemiological characteristics of children under five years of age at the Casa de la Niña shelter in Loreto 2015. Methodology.- The study is a descriptive cross-sectional study, the universe was constructed by 120 people under five years of age. The representatives signed the informed consent, after applying the form that contained DNI data and information related to the study variables. The stool samples were processed in the clinical laboratory in compliance with biosafety and quality control standards. The information obtained was tabulated in the SPSS program and the Tables in Excel. Results.- It was determined that of 120 samples analyzed, 68% are parasitized, of these 73% have monoparasitism and 27% have polyparasitism. Of the parasites, the Blactocystis Hominis cyst 31.7% Giardia Lambia cyst 20.7% Entamueba Coli cyst 14.6% Ascaris Lumbricoides egg 9.8% Trichomonas Hominis trophozoite 7.3% Strongyloides stercoralis larva 8.5% Lodamueba Butschilii cyst 7.3%.
Background.- Intestinal parasitosis in children constitutes a public health problem that must be evaluated periodically. The incidence, intensity and prevalence of parasites is higher in children than in adults, possibly due to the lack of natural or acquired resistance and differences in behavior and habits. Objective.- Identify the prevalence of intestinal parasitism by direct microscopy in fecal matter and its relationship with the epidemiological characteristics of children under five years of age at the Casa de la Niña shelter in Loreto 2015. Methodology.- The study is a descriptive cross-sectional study, the universe was constructed by 120 people under five years of age. The representatives signed the informed consent, after applying the form that contained DNI data and information related to the study variables. The stool samples were processed in the clinical laboratory in compliance with biosafety and quality control standards. The information obtained was tabulated in the SPSS program and the Tables in Excel. Results.- It was determined that of 120 samples analyzed, 68% are parasitized, of these 73% have monoparasitism and 27% have polyparasitism. Of the parasites, the Blactocystis Hominis cyst 31.7% Giardia Lambia cyst 20.7% Entamueba Coli cyst 14.6% Ascaris Lumbricoides egg 9.8% Trichomonas Hominis trophozoite 7.3% Strongyloides stercoralis larva 8.5% Lodamueba Butschilii cyst 7.3%.
Parasitismo Intestinal, Microscopia Directa, Intestinal parasitcs, Dircct Microscopy
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