Seroprevalencia del virus de inmunodeficiencia humana en pacientes que acuden a servicios médicos generales San Juan SRL de enero a diciembre del 2022
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El presente estudio estuvo orientado a resolver el siguiente problema
de investigación: ¿Cuál es la seroprevalencia del Virus de
Inmunodeficiencia Humana en pacientes que acudirán a Servicios Médicos
Generales San Juan SRL de Enero a Diciembre del 2022?
El objetivo de Investigación fue: Determinar la Seroprevalencia del
Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana en pacientes que acudirán a Servicios
Médicos Generales San Juan SRL de Enero a Diciembre del 2022.
Material y métodos: La presente investigación es de tipo
cuantitativo y retrospectivo, con diseño no experimental, descriptivo. Se
trabajó con una muestra de 282 pacientes que se hicieron la prueba de
detección del Anti HIV I - II en el laboratorio de la Clínica San Juan desde
Enero a Diciembre del 2022.
Resultados: HIV I - II que acudieron a la Clínica San Juan 2022, 11
(3.90%) fueron pacientes Anti HIV I – II reactivos, la mayor frecuencia por
sexo fueron hombres con 8 (72.73%) y con menor frecuencia fueron
mujeres 3 (27.27%), según edad fue de 21 a 30 años con 6 (54.55%) y
según la procedencia con 6 (54.55%) del distrito de Maynas. El marcador
serológico más frecuente fue el Dengue IgG con 24 (46.15%).
Conclusiones: La prueba rápida de VIH I/II es una herramienta
importante en la lucha contra el VIH/SIDA porque permite que las personas
se sometan a la prueba con mayor facilidad y rapidez. También es útil en
situaciones en las que se requiere una prueba rápida, como en entornos de
atención médica móvil o en lugares donde no hay acceso a un laboratorio.
The present study was oriented to solve the following research problem: What is the seroprevalence of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus in patients who will attend the General Medical Services San Juan SRL from January to December 2022? The objective of the Research was: To determine the Seroprevalence of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus in patients who will attend the General Medical Services San Juan SRL from January to December 2022. Material and methods: This research is quantitative and retrospective, with a non-experimental, descriptive design. We worked with a sample of 282 patients who underwent the Anti-HIV I - II detection test in the laboratory of the Clínica San Juan from January to December 2022. Results: HIV I - II who attended the Clínica San Juan 2022, 11 (3.90%) were reactive Anti HIV I - II patients, the highest frequency by sex were men with 8 (72.73%) and less frequently were women 3 (27.27% ), according to age it was from 21 to 30 years with 6 (54.55%) and according to origin with 6 (54.55%) from the district of Maynas. The most frequent serological marker was Dengue IgG with 24 (46.15%). Conclusions: The rapid HIV I/II test is an important tool in the fight against HIV/AIDS because it makes it easier and faster for people to get tested. It is also useful in situations where a rapid test is required, such as in mobile healthcare settings or in locations where there is no access to a laboratory.
The present study was oriented to solve the following research problem: What is the seroprevalence of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus in patients who will attend the General Medical Services San Juan SRL from January to December 2022? The objective of the Research was: To determine the Seroprevalence of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus in patients who will attend the General Medical Services San Juan SRL from January to December 2022. Material and methods: This research is quantitative and retrospective, with a non-experimental, descriptive design. We worked with a sample of 282 patients who underwent the Anti-HIV I - II detection test in the laboratory of the Clínica San Juan from January to December 2022. Results: HIV I - II who attended the Clínica San Juan 2022, 11 (3.90%) were reactive Anti HIV I - II patients, the highest frequency by sex were men with 8 (72.73%) and less frequently were women 3 (27.27% ), according to age it was from 21 to 30 years with 6 (54.55%) and according to origin with 6 (54.55%) from the district of Maynas. The most frequent serological marker was Dengue IgG with 24 (46.15%). Conclusions: The rapid HIV I/II test is an important tool in the fight against HIV/AIDS because it makes it easier and faster for people to get tested. It is also useful in situations where a rapid test is required, such as in mobile healthcare settings or in locations where there is no access to a laboratory.
HIV, Prueba rápida y inmunocromatografía, HIV, Rapid test and immunochromatography
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