Evaluación superficial del pavimento flexible en la calle Pablo Rosell cuadras 5, 6 y 7 aplicando el rugosímetro de merlín, Iquitos – 2021
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene como propósito realizar una Evaluación superficial del pavimento flexible en la calle Pablo Rossell cuadras 5, 6 y 7 aplicando el rugosímetro de Merlín, Iquitos - 2021, la metodología de la investigación es de tipo descriptivo - aplicativo, el diseño es No Experimental y el enfoque es cualitativo, el cual busca evaluar el pavimento flexible en la calle Pablo Rossell cuadras 5, 6 y 7 mediante el rugosímetro de Merlín. Del desarrollo de la presente investigación se obtuvieron los siguientes resultados; de acuerdo al IRI en el carril 1 lado izquierdo: 7.34 m/km, lado derecho: 8.75 m/km, en el carril 2 lado izquierdo: 8.01 m/km, lado derecho: 7.24 m/km, El estado de condición del pavimento flexible de la calle Pablo Rossell cuadras 5, 6 y 7 mediante el uso del rugosímetro de merlín se obtuvo que se encuentra fuera de los límites permisibles para su condición de pavimento antiguo y mediante el método PCI la cuadra 5 es muy malo, la cuadra 6 es malo y la cuadra 7 es regular. De os resultados obtenidos se llegó a las siguientes conclusiones; que el número total de fallas encontradas en la calle Pablo Rossell cuadra 5, 6 y 7 es de 61 las cuales se dividen en la cuadra 5; se encontraron 23 fallas, en la cuadra 6 se encontraron 18 fallas y en la cuadra 7 se encontraron 20 fallas. Los tipos de fallas más frecuente en la calle Pablo Rossell cuadra 5, 6 y 7 es grieta de borde, parcheos, huecos y piel de cocodrilo. Luego del desarrollo de la Evaluación superficial del pavimento flexible en la calle Pablo Rossell cuadras 5, 6 y 7 se concluye que el pavimento requiere mejoramiento en la vía analizada.
The purpose of this research is to carry out a superficial evaluation of the flexible pavement on Pablo Rossell Street, blocks 5, 6 and 7, applying the Merlin roughness meter, Iquitos - 2021, the research methodology is descriptive - applicative, the design is No Experimental and the approach is qualitative, which seeks to evaluate the flexible pavement on Pablo Rossell Street blocks 5, 6 and 7 using the Merlin roughness meter. From the development of this research, the following results were obtained; according to the IRI in lane 1 left side: 7.34 m/km, right side: 8.75 m/km, in lane 2 left side: 8.01 m/km, right side: 7.24 m/km, The condition of the pavement of Pablo Rossell street blocks 5, 6 and 7 by using the merlin roughness meter it was obtained that it is outside the permissible limits for its condition of old pavement and by means of the PCI method block 5 is very bad block 6 is bad and block 7 is rgulate. From the results obtained, the following conclusions were reached; that the total number of faults found on Pablo Rossell Street blocks 5, 6 and 7 is 61 which are divided into block 5; 23 faults were found, in block 6 18 faults were found and in block 7 20 faults were found. The most frequent types of faults on Pablo Rossell Street, blocks 5, 6 and 7 are edge cracks, patches, holes and crocodile skin. After the development of the superficial evaluation of the flexible pavement in Pablo Rossell Street, blocks 5, 6 and 7, it is concluded that the pavement requires improvement in the analyzed road.
The purpose of this research is to carry out a superficial evaluation of the flexible pavement on Pablo Rossell Street, blocks 5, 6 and 7, applying the Merlin roughness meter, Iquitos - 2021, the research methodology is descriptive - applicative, the design is No Experimental and the approach is qualitative, which seeks to evaluate the flexible pavement on Pablo Rossell Street blocks 5, 6 and 7 using the Merlin roughness meter. From the development of this research, the following results were obtained; according to the IRI in lane 1 left side: 7.34 m/km, right side: 8.75 m/km, in lane 2 left side: 8.01 m/km, right side: 7.24 m/km, The condition of the pavement of Pablo Rossell street blocks 5, 6 and 7 by using the merlin roughness meter it was obtained that it is outside the permissible limits for its condition of old pavement and by means of the PCI method block 5 is very bad block 6 is bad and block 7 is rgulate. From the results obtained, the following conclusions were reached; that the total number of faults found on Pablo Rossell Street blocks 5, 6 and 7 is 61 which are divided into block 5; 23 faults were found, in block 6 18 faults were found and in block 7 20 faults were found. The most frequent types of faults on Pablo Rossell Street, blocks 5, 6 and 7 are edge cracks, patches, holes and crocodile skin. After the development of the superficial evaluation of the flexible pavement in Pablo Rossell Street, blocks 5, 6 and 7, it is concluded that the pavement requires improvement in the analyzed road.
Pavimento flexible, Rugosímetro de Merlín, Evaluación superficial, PCI, IMDa, IRI, Flexible pavement, Merlin roughness tester, Surface evaluation, PCI, IMDa, IRI
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