Propuesta de diseño sismoresistente y su relación con el desempeño de un edificio multifamiliar de albañilería confinada, con bloques de concreto celular, distrito de la Banda de Shilcayo, provincia y departamento de San Martin - 2019
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La presente Tesis tiene como finalidad realizar, una propuesta de edificación multifamiliar con el sistema de albañilería confinada con unidades de bloques de concreto celular, así como también la determinación de las características mecánicas de bloques de concreto celular las cuales serán empleadas para conocer su desempeño ante acciones sísmica simuladas con el programa CYPECAD.
La edificación se emplaza en el distrito de la Banda de Shilcayo, provincia y departamento de San Martin, el cual de acuerdo a la zonificación sísmica del Perú se encuentra en la zona 3 el cual representa aquellas áreas en donde el potencial sísmico es alto debido a que es afectada por la ocurrencia de sismos de magnitud elevada (M>7.0) que producen aceleraciones mayores a 300 cm/seg2.
Se determinó el desempeño de la edificación ante sismos teniendo en cuenta los resultados obtenidos como la comprobación de la cortante basal o resistencia lateral y las deformadas.
The purpose of this Thesis is to carry out a proposal for a multifamily building with the confined masonry system with aerated concrete block units, as well as to determine the mechanical characteristics of the aerated concrete blocks that will serve to know their behavior against seismic actions. simulated with the cypecad program. The building is located in the district of the band of shilcayo, province and department of san martín, which according to the seismic zoning of Peru is located in zone 3, which represents those areas where the seismic potential is high and is therefore affected by the occurrence of earthquakes of great magnitude (M> 7.0) that produce accelerations greater than 300 cm / sec2. The behavior of the building against earthquakes was determined taking into account the results obtained such as the verification of the basal shear or lateral resistance and the deformation.
The purpose of this Thesis is to carry out a proposal for a multifamily building with the confined masonry system with aerated concrete block units, as well as to determine the mechanical characteristics of the aerated concrete blocks that will serve to know their behavior against seismic actions. simulated with the cypecad program. The building is located in the district of the band of shilcayo, province and department of san martín, which according to the seismic zoning of Peru is located in zone 3, which represents those areas where the seismic potential is high and is therefore affected by the occurrence of earthquakes of great magnitude (M> 7.0) that produce accelerations greater than 300 cm / sec2. The behavior of the building against earthquakes was determined taking into account the results obtained such as the verification of the basal shear or lateral resistance and the deformation.
Concreto Celular, Desempeño Sísmico, Cellular concrete, Seismic Performance
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