Análisis comparativo de la resistencia a la compresión del concreto F’C: 210 kg/cm2, utilizando cementos Pacasmayo, Mochica e Inka en la ciudad de Tarapoto
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El presente proyecto de investigación, tiene como objetivo general realizar un análisis comparativo de la resistencia a la compresión de un concreto f’c: 210 kg/cm2 utilizando tres marcas de cemento, los cuales son Pacasmayo, Mochica e Inka.
Para lograr los resultados de la presente investigación, se han empleado herramientas y técnicas con las que durante el proceso se llega a obtener los resultados necesarios para la demostración de esta investigación.
Con respecto al análisis comparativo, se parte desde el estudio realizado a los agregados tanto finos y gruesos, los cuales componen la mezcla de concreto, quienes pasaron por el ensayo granulométrico, peso específico y absorción, peso unitario; con el que se ha determinado la calidad de material extraído de la cantera rio mayo, también se ha utilizado un mismo diseño de mezcla para los tres tipos de cementos, pues las condiciones han sido iguales para las muestras ensayadas, la variedad está en la marca de cemento utilizada.
Además, se realizaron 27 muestras de probetas de concreto, las cuales fueron sometidas al ensayo de resistencia a la compresión. Cabe señalar que de cada marca de cemento se realizaron 9 probetas, los cuales tres de cada marca se fueron rompiendo a los 7 días de fraguado, 3 de cada uno a los 14 días de fraguado y 3 de cada uno a los 28 días de fraguado, donde luego de conocer los resultados, se llegó a la conclusión que el cemento Mochica fue el que presentó mayor resistencia a la compresión con 270.29 kg/cm2 y porcentaje promedio de 128.71% superando a Pacasmayo que presentó con 264.45 kg/cm2 y porcentaje promedio de 125.93%, y también superando a cemento Inka que presentó 261.81 kg/cm2 con un porcentaje promedio de 124.67%.
Finalmente, el costo beneficio que genera este proyecto de investigación es que, si se requiere calidad y economizar es conveniente trabajar con el cemento Mochica, ya que es a un precio menor, y tiene mejor resistencia a la compresión que el resto de cementos estudiados.
The general objective of this research project is to carry out a comparative analysis of the compressive strength of a concrete f'c: 210 kg/cm2 using three brands of cement, which are Pacasmayo, Mochica and Inka. To achieve the results of this research, tools and techniques have been used with which, during the process, the necessary results for the demonstration of this research are obtained. Regarding the comparative analysis, it starts from the study carried out on both fine and coarse aggregates, which make up the concrete mixture, who underwent the granulometric test, specific weight and absorption, unit weight; with which the quality of the material extracted from the rio mayo quarry has been determined, the same mix design has also been used for the three types of cement, since the conditions have been the same for the samples tested, the variety is in the mark of cement used. In addition, 27 samples of concrete specimens were made, which were subjected to the compressive strength test. It should be noted that 9 specimens were made of each brand of cement, of which three of each brand broke after 7 days of setting, 3 of each at 14 days of setting and 3 of each at 28 days of setting. , where after knowing the results, it was concluded that the Mochica cement was the one that presented the highest compressive strength with 270.29 kg/cm2 and an average percentage of 128.71%, surpassing Pacasmayo, which presented with 264.45 kg/cm2 and an average percentage of 125.93%, and also surpassing Inka cement that presented 261.81 kg/cm2 with an average percentage of 124.67%. Finally, the cost benefit generated by this research project is that, if quality and savings are required, it is convenient to work with Mochica cement, since it is at a lower price, and has better compressive strength than the rest of the cements studied.
The general objective of this research project is to carry out a comparative analysis of the compressive strength of a concrete f'c: 210 kg/cm2 using three brands of cement, which are Pacasmayo, Mochica and Inka. To achieve the results of this research, tools and techniques have been used with which, during the process, the necessary results for the demonstration of this research are obtained. Regarding the comparative analysis, it starts from the study carried out on both fine and coarse aggregates, which make up the concrete mixture, who underwent the granulometric test, specific weight and absorption, unit weight; with which the quality of the material extracted from the rio mayo quarry has been determined, the same mix design has also been used for the three types of cement, since the conditions have been the same for the samples tested, the variety is in the mark of cement used. In addition, 27 samples of concrete specimens were made, which were subjected to the compressive strength test. It should be noted that 9 specimens were made of each brand of cement, of which three of each brand broke after 7 days of setting, 3 of each at 14 days of setting and 3 of each at 28 days of setting. , where after knowing the results, it was concluded that the Mochica cement was the one that presented the highest compressive strength with 270.29 kg/cm2 and an average percentage of 128.71%, surpassing Pacasmayo, which presented with 264.45 kg/cm2 and an average percentage of 125.93%, and also surpassing Inka cement that presented 261.81 kg/cm2 with an average percentage of 124.67%. Finally, the cost benefit generated by this research project is that, if quality and savings are required, it is convenient to work with Mochica cement, since it is at a lower price, and has better compressive strength than the rest of the cements studied.
Resistencia a la compresión, Concreto, Tiempo de fraguado, Ensayo de peso específico y absorción, Compressive strength, Concrete, Setting time, Specific weight test and absorption
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