Análisis al decreto supremo N° 413-2019-EF, para la equidad en la compensación económica entre los alcaldes y regidores – Loreto 2023
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La presente tesis, tiene como problema general: ¿El Decreto Supremo N° 413-2019-EF
afecta a la equidad en la compensación económica entre los Alcaldes y Regidores,
vulnerando así los principios constitucionales de igualdad y compensación
remunerada?, el mismo que al analizar el trasfondo del tema elegido se determinó como
objetivo general lo siguiente: Analizar si el Decreto Supremo N° 413-2019-EF afecta a
la equidad en la compensación económica entre los Alcaldes y Regidores, vulnerando
así los principios constitucionales de igualdad y compensación remunerada. De esta
manera la investigación se justifica en el sentido que este Decreto no incluye a los
regidores en el aumento salarial, entonces, bajo el principio de igualdad y compensación
remunerada se establece que todos los servidores públicos que desempeñen funciones
similares deben recibir una remuneración similar, sobre esto, se tiene que los regidores
también son servidores públicos que cumplen funciones importantes para el gobierno
local, siendo que, la exclusión de los regidores del aumento salarial afectaría entonces
a la equidad y la justicia en la remuneración de los servidores públicos, es decir, el
Decreto Supremo N° 413-2019-EF genera una discriminación salarial entre los
servidores públicos que desempeñan funciones similares (alcaldes y regidores); siendo
que esta discriminación y desigualdad salarial afecta directamente a la eficiencia de la
gestión pública local en Loreto. La investigación tiene como enfoque cuantitativo, siendo
descriptiva, no experimental con un corte transversal, teniendo como población al
Colegio de Abogados de Loreto, entendiéndose a sus miembros que son Abogados
litigantes colegiados adscritos a esta institución, y como muestra a los 83 abogados
litigantes pertenecientes a este Colegio señalado. La discusión de la presente
investigación se basa en poder demostrar y corroborar si efectivamente -como lo
postulamos-, es que este Decreto viene vulnerando a los regidores en el aspecto
salarial. Es entonces que, analizando, cotejando con las estadísticas obtenidas es que
se pudo concluir que en realidad sí afecta a la equidad en la compensación económica
entre los Alcaldes y Regidores, vulnerando así los principios constitucionales de
igualdad y compensación remunerada, pues los regidores abordan eficazmente las
necesidades, demandas y bienestar de la misma cantidad de población que abordan los
Alcaldes. Entonces como propuesta podemos contribuir que se puede inaplicar (dejar
sin efecto el presente Decreto Supremo) o en todo caso modificar el Decreto Supremo
N° 413-2019-EF a efectos establecer que el aumento salarial sea aplicable también para
los regidores.
The present thesis, has as general problem: Does Supreme Decree N° 413-2019-EF affect equity in the economic compensation between Mayors and Aldermen, thus violating the constitutional principles of equality and remunerated compensation, the same that by analyzing the background of the chosen topic was determined as general objective as follows: To analyze whether Supreme Decree No. 413-2019-EF affects equity in the economic compensation between Mayors and Councilors, thus violating the constitutional principles of equality and remunerated compensation. In this way, the investigation is justified in the sense that this Decree does not include the aldermen in the salary increase, then, under the principle of equality and remunerated compensation it is established that all public servants who perform similar functions should receive similar remuneration, on this, it is held that the aldermen are also public servants who perform important functions for the local government, being that, the exclusion of the aldermen from the salary increase would then affect equity and justice in the remuneration of public servants, i.e., Supreme Decree No. 413-2019-EF generates a salary discrimination between public servants who perform similar functions (mayors and aldermen); being that this discrimination and salary inequality directly affects the efficiency of local public management in Loreto. The research has a quantitative approach, being descriptive, non-experimental with a transversal cut, having as population the Bar Association of Loreto, understanding its members who are collegiate litigant lawyers attached to this institution, and as a sample the 83 litigant lawyers belonging to this Bar Association. The discussion of the present investigation is based on being able to demonstrate and corroborate if indeed -as we postulate-, is that this Decree is violating the aldermen in the salary aspect. It is then that, analyzing and comparing with the statistics obtained, it was possible to conclude that in reality it does affect the equity in the economic compensation between the Mayors and Councilmen, thus violating the constitutional principles of equality and remunerated compensation, since the councilmen effectively address the needs, demands and welfare of the same amount of population that the Mayors address. Then as a proposal we can contribute that it can be inapplied (leave without effect the present Supreme Decree) or in any case modify the Supreme Decree N° 413-2019-EF in order to establish that the salary increase is applicable also for the aldermen.
The present thesis, has as general problem: Does Supreme Decree N° 413-2019-EF affect equity in the economic compensation between Mayors and Aldermen, thus violating the constitutional principles of equality and remunerated compensation, the same that by analyzing the background of the chosen topic was determined as general objective as follows: To analyze whether Supreme Decree No. 413-2019-EF affects equity in the economic compensation between Mayors and Councilors, thus violating the constitutional principles of equality and remunerated compensation. In this way, the investigation is justified in the sense that this Decree does not include the aldermen in the salary increase, then, under the principle of equality and remunerated compensation it is established that all public servants who perform similar functions should receive similar remuneration, on this, it is held that the aldermen are also public servants who perform important functions for the local government, being that, the exclusion of the aldermen from the salary increase would then affect equity and justice in the remuneration of public servants, i.e., Supreme Decree No. 413-2019-EF generates a salary discrimination between public servants who perform similar functions (mayors and aldermen); being that this discrimination and salary inequality directly affects the efficiency of local public management in Loreto. The research has a quantitative approach, being descriptive, non-experimental with a transversal cut, having as population the Bar Association of Loreto, understanding its members who are collegiate litigant lawyers attached to this institution, and as a sample the 83 litigant lawyers belonging to this Bar Association. The discussion of the present investigation is based on being able to demonstrate and corroborate if indeed -as we postulate-, is that this Decree is violating the aldermen in the salary aspect. It is then that, analyzing and comparing with the statistics obtained, it was possible to conclude that in reality it does affect the equity in the economic compensation between the Mayors and Councilmen, thus violating the constitutional principles of equality and remunerated compensation, since the councilmen effectively address the needs, demands and welfare of the same amount of population that the Mayors address. Then as a proposal we can contribute that it can be inapplied (leave without effect the present Supreme Decree) or in any case modify the Supreme Decree N° 413-2019-EF in order to establish that the salary increase is applicable also for the aldermen.
Decreto Supremo N° 413-2019-EF, Regidor, Alcalde, Igualdad Salarial, Supreme Decree N° 413-2019-EF, Alderman, Mayor, Salary equality
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