Los mecanismos alternativos de solucion de conflictos y su aplicación en la ciudad de Iquitos en el año 2021
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como premisa desarrollar de manera didáctica los principales
mecanismos de solución de conflictos: Autotutela, Heterocomposición y Autocomposición, con el fin de
resaltar sus ventajas y desventajas, buscando asimismo que las personas interesadas, tomen conciencia
acerca de la existencia de formas alternativas de solución de conflictos diferentes a la judicial, y que
desarrollados oportunamente permitirán a sus interesados encontrar soluciones rápidas, beneficiosas y que
a su vez permitan mantener el clima de cordialidad en sus relaciones amicales, familiares, comerciales, etc.,
y restablecerlas, en caso pudieron verse afectadas por diversas causas.
Los únicos conflictos que se pueden resolver son aquellos que contengan una materia de derecho
disponible. Es decir, conflictos que no tengan vinculo o relación alguna con los determinados derechos
fundamentales (derechos inherentes, personalísimos al ser humano), ni los delitos ni faltas, ni los conflictos
que contravengan el orden público y las buenas costumbres.
Solo se puede recurrir a estos MARC’s para que se resuelvan aquellos conflictos jurídicos donde los
derechos involucrados son renunciables, o sobre los que se puede negociar, transar, transferir o traspasar.
Por ejemplo: desalojo, pensión de alimentos, tenencia y régimen de visitas, incumplimiento de un contrato,
indemnización por daños y perjuicios, entre otros.
En esta investigación hemos pretendido ser específicos y saber en que consisten por ejemplo la
Conciliación Extrajudicial, el Arbitraje, la Mediación, etc. Esto nos permitió profundizar nuestro
aprendizaje respecto a los mecanismos que la norma nos prevé y que se pueden utilizar ya sea como
requisito y también como alternativa.
The premise of this research work is to develop in a didactic way the main conflict resolution mechanisms: Self-guardianship, Heterocomposition and Self-composition, in order to highlight their advantages and disadvantages, also seeking to make interested people aware of the existence of Alternative forms of conflict resolution other than the judicial one, and that developed in a timely manner will allow those interested to find quick, beneficial solutions and that in turn allow maintaining the climate of cordiality in their friends, family, business relationships, etc., and reestablish them, in case they could be affected by various causes. The only conflicts that can be resolved are those that contain an available matter of law. That is, conflicts that have no link or relationship with certain fundamental rights (inherent rights, very personal to the human being), neither crimes nor misdemeanors, nor conflicts that contravene public order and good customs. These MARCs can only be used to resolve those legal conflicts where the rights involved are waivable, or on which they can be negotiated, negotiated, transferred or conveyed. For example: eviction, alimony, possession and visitation regime, breach of a contract, compensation for damages, among others. In this investigation we have tried to be specific and know what, for example, Extrajudicial Conciliation, Arbitration, Mediation, etc. consist of. This allowed us to deepen our learning regarding the mechanisms that the standard provides for us and that can be used either as a requirement or as an alternative.
The premise of this research work is to develop in a didactic way the main conflict resolution mechanisms: Self-guardianship, Heterocomposition and Self-composition, in order to highlight their advantages and disadvantages, also seeking to make interested people aware of the existence of Alternative forms of conflict resolution other than the judicial one, and that developed in a timely manner will allow those interested to find quick, beneficial solutions and that in turn allow maintaining the climate of cordiality in their friends, family, business relationships, etc., and reestablish them, in case they could be affected by various causes. The only conflicts that can be resolved are those that contain an available matter of law. That is, conflicts that have no link or relationship with certain fundamental rights (inherent rights, very personal to the human being), neither crimes nor misdemeanors, nor conflicts that contravene public order and good customs. These MARCs can only be used to resolve those legal conflicts where the rights involved are waivable, or on which they can be negotiated, negotiated, transferred or conveyed. For example: eviction, alimony, possession and visitation regime, breach of a contract, compensation for damages, among others. In this investigation we have tried to be specific and know what, for example, Extrajudicial Conciliation, Arbitration, Mediation, etc. consist of. This allowed us to deepen our learning regarding the mechanisms that the standard provides for us and that can be used either as a requirement or as an alternative.
Medios alternativos de solución de conflictos, Autotela, Heterocomposición, Autocomposición, Alternative Means Of Conflict Solution, Autotuela, Heterocomposition, Self-Composition
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