Perfil del rendimiento en niños del primer grado de primaria que asisten a clases virtuales de una Institución Educativa Privada De La Ciudad De Iquitos - 2021
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Universidad Científica del Perú
En la presente investigación se buscó determinar el perfil del rendimiento
en niños del primer grado de primaria que asisten a clases virtuales en la
Institución Educativa “Nuestra Señora de Loreto”. La investigación es
descriptiva, la población y muestra estuvo conformada por 131 niños. Se
obtuvo como resultado que un 60% de los entrevistados mantienen un nivel
académico promedio, un 30% con coeficiente superior y un 10% con un
coeficiente bajo, lo que a su vez, da como resultado un 65% de niños con
un grado de madurez promedio en aprendizaje; por otro lado, un 25% de
estos niños tienen un mejor rendimiento y desarrollo en las áreas de
relaciones espaciales y en concepto verbal, siendo las áreas menos
trabajadas, la de memoria con 15%, razonamiento lógico con 15%, y
razonamiento numérico 20%; asimismo, se advierte que 26% de los niños
que cursan el primer grado, cuentan con la edad mental promedio a su edad
real, esto es de 5años a 6 meses; finalmente 60% de niños que mantienen
un coeficiente intelectual regular-promedio.
En base a los resultados se concluye que la mayoría de los alumnos del
primer grado de la Institución Educativa “Nuestra Señora de Loreto”, se
encuentran dentro del promedio normal de aprendizaje y de rendimiento
frente a las clases virtuales.
In the present investigation, we sought to determine the performance profile of children in the first grade of primary school who attend virtual classes at the Educational Institution "Nuestra Señora de Loreto". The research is descriptive, the population and sample consisted of 131 children. It was obtained as a result that 60% of the interviewees maintain an average academic level, 30% with a higher coefficient and 10% with a low coefficient, which in turn, results in 65% of children with a grade of average learning maturity; on the other hand, 25% of these children have a better performance and development in the areas of spatial relationships and verbal concept, the least worked areas being memory with 15%, logical reasoning with 15%, and numerical reasoning 20 %; Likewise, it is noted that 26% of children who attend first grade have the average mental age at their real age, that is, from 5 years to 6 months; finally 60% of children who maintain a regular-average IQ. Based on the results, it is concluded that the majority of the first grade students of the Educational Institution "Nuestra Señora de Loreto" are within the normal average of learning and performance compared to virtual classes.
In the present investigation, we sought to determine the performance profile of children in the first grade of primary school who attend virtual classes at the Educational Institution "Nuestra Señora de Loreto". The research is descriptive, the population and sample consisted of 131 children. It was obtained as a result that 60% of the interviewees maintain an average academic level, 30% with a higher coefficient and 10% with a low coefficient, which in turn, results in 65% of children with a grade of average learning maturity; on the other hand, 25% of these children have a better performance and development in the areas of spatial relationships and verbal concept, the least worked areas being memory with 15%, logical reasoning with 15%, and numerical reasoning 20 %; Likewise, it is noted that 26% of children who attend first grade have the average mental age at their real age, that is, from 5 years to 6 months; finally 60% of children who maintain a regular-average IQ. Based on the results, it is concluded that the majority of the first grade students of the Educational Institution "Nuestra Señora de Loreto" are within the normal average of learning and performance compared to virtual classes.
Coeficiente, Covid, Educación, Estado de emergencia, Niños, Rendimiento, Pandemia, Virtualidad, Coefficient, Covid, Education, State of emergency, Children, Performance, Pandemic, Virtuality
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