Niveles de habilidades sociales en estudiantes de quinto grado de secundaria de una institución educativa, Belén 2018
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar los niveles de las habilidades sociales de
estudiantes del quinto grado de secundaria de una Institución Educativa. Se empleó el método
cuantitativo con diseño no experimental, descriptivo, transversal. La muestra estuvo conformada
por 63 estudiantes. Se recolectaron los datos mediante un instrumento adaptado por Ruiz
(confiabilidad Alpha Crombach de 0,88). Los datos fueron procesados en el programa estadístico
SPSS versión 16. Los resultados mostraron que los estudiantes en forma global presentaron
habilidades sociales de nivel medio (46,0%), las dimensiones de las habilidades sociales de los
estudiantes fueron calificados como de nivel medio, “Decir no y cortar interacciones” (46,0%),
“Hacer peticiones” (42,9%), “Autoexpresión y situaciones sociales” (39,7%) y “Expresión de
enfado o disconformidad” (38,1%). (p= < 0,000) y en su mayoría el nivel de las dimensiones de
las habilidades sociales de la edad y el sexo fueron categorizados en un nivel medio (46,0%).
The objective of this study was to determine the levels of social skills of fifth grade students in an educational institution. The quantitative method was used with a nonexperimental, descriptive, transversal design. The sample consisted of 63 students. Data were collected using an instrument adapted by Ruiz (Alpha Crombach reliability of 0.88). The data were processed in the statistical program SPSS version 16. The results showed that the students in global form presented social skills of medium level (46.0%), the dimensions of the social skills of the students were qualified as of medium level, "Say no and cut interactions" (46.0%), "Make requests" (42.9%), "Self-expression and social situations" (39.7%) and "Expression of anger or disagreement" (38.1% ). (p = <0.000) and most of the level of the social skills dimensions of age and sex were categorized at a medium level (46.0%).
The objective of this study was to determine the levels of social skills of fifth grade students in an educational institution. The quantitative method was used with a nonexperimental, descriptive, transversal design. The sample consisted of 63 students. Data were collected using an instrument adapted by Ruiz (Alpha Crombach reliability of 0.88). The data were processed in the statistical program SPSS version 16. The results showed that the students in global form presented social skills of medium level (46.0%), the dimensions of the social skills of the students were qualified as of medium level, "Say no and cut interactions" (46.0%), "Make requests" (42.9%), "Self-expression and social situations" (39.7%) and "Expression of anger or disagreement" (38.1% ). (p = <0.000) and most of the level of the social skills dimensions of age and sex were categorized at a medium level (46.0%).
Habilidades sociales, Interacciones, Adolescencia, Social Skills, Interactions, Adolescence
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