Prevalencia de microfilariasis en Iquitos y zonas urbanas marginales y su relación con las características epidemiológicas. Julio 2010 a diciembre 2011
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Se determinó una prevalencia de 6,2 %, encontrándose 2 especies de microfilarias: Mansontlla
ozz.ardi (2.0%) y una especie no identificada, designad2 como Mim1.ftlaria spp. (4.1%); y la
coinfección por ambas especies ( 0.1 %).
Las personas infectadas por Mim.ft/aria .rpp., desarrollaban actividades dentro del ámbito urbano;
encontrándose con más frecuencia en pacientes no febriles al momento de toma de muestra, del
género femenino y grupo etario de 4- 12 años, procedentes de los distritos de San Juan, Iquitos y
Punchana. Podría ser posible que ésta especie se tr.msmita dentro de la ciudad
Las infecciones por M oz.z.ardi se encontraron con frecuencia en pacientes febriles del género
masculino, del grupo etario 22 - 39 años, procedentes del distrito de Belén, cuya actividad
principal generalmente se desarrolla en el campo.
Encontramos pobladores infectados con microfilarias en la ciudad de !quitos y zonas urbano
marginales, de la provincia de M2ynas, departamento de Loreto, Perú; resultados que justifican
más investigaciones para determinar si este parásito csti e2usando síndromes clínicos y definir los
ciclos de transmisión.
Results: A prevalence of 6.2% was determined, with 2 species of microfilariae found: Mansontlla ozz.ardi (2.0%) and an unidentified species, designated as Mim1.ftlaria spp. (4.1%); and the coinfection by both species (0.1%). People infected by Mim.ft/aria .rpp. carried out activities within the urban area; found more frequently in non-febrile patients at the time of sample collection, female gender and age group of 4-12 years, from the districts of San Juan, Iquitos and Punchana. It could be possible that this species is transmitted within the city M oz.z.ardi infections were frequently found in febrile patients of the genus male, from the age group 22 - 39 years, from the district of Belén, whose activity The main event generally takes place in the countryside. Conclusion: We found residents infected with microfilariae in the city of Quitos and urban áreas marginal, from the province of M2ynas, department of Loreto, Peru; results that justify further investigations to determine whether this parasite csti e2using clinical syndromes and define the transmission cycles.
Results: A prevalence of 6.2% was determined, with 2 species of microfilariae found: Mansontlla ozz.ardi (2.0%) and an unidentified species, designated as Mim1.ftlaria spp. (4.1%); and the coinfection by both species (0.1%). People infected by Mim.ft/aria .rpp. carried out activities within the urban area; found more frequently in non-febrile patients at the time of sample collection, female gender and age group of 4-12 years, from the districts of San Juan, Iquitos and Punchana. It could be possible that this species is transmitted within the city M oz.z.ardi infections were frequently found in febrile patients of the genus male, from the age group 22 - 39 years, from the district of Belén, whose activity The main event generally takes place in the countryside. Conclusion: We found residents infected with microfilariae in the city of Quitos and urban áreas marginal, from the province of M2ynas, department of Loreto, Peru; results that justify further investigations to determine whether this parasite csti e2using clinical syndromes and define the transmission cycles.
Prevalencia, Filariasis, Knott, Atípica, Prevalence, Ftlariasis, Knott, Atypical, Mansonella
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