La resiliencia y su relación con el clima laboral en personal del Gobierno Regional de Loreto. Iquitos. 2021
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Universidad Científica del Perú
En la presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre la resiliencia y el clima laboral en personal del Gobierno Regional de Loreto. 2021, de tipo cuantitativa y diseño transversal correlacional, la cual estuvo conformada por 170 trabajadores, siendo el 71.2% mujeres; donde la edad promedio fue de 46,2 años con una desviación de 862 años y oscilan entre 20 y 60 años aproximadamente 30% son nombrados. Se utilizó la Escala de resiliencia de Wagnild y Young (1993) y para la segunda variable la Escala de Clima Laboral por Sonia Palma (2004). 35.3% de los trabajadores tienen un nivel de resiliencia muy bueno; 43.5% nivel bueno; 14.1% nivel regular y 7.1% mal nivel de resiliencia. 14.1% de los trabajadores perciben el nivel del Clima Laboral como muy bueno; 61.2% como bueno y 24.7% como regular. La hipótesis planteada en la presente investigación se ve confirmada por los resultados obtenidos en la misma; se encontró coeficiente de contingencia=0,396, que indica correlación positiva baja entre la resiliencia y el clima laboral en el personal del Gobierno Regional de Loreto. 2021, siendo está correlación altamente significativa, p= 0.000 de la Prueba Chi-cuadrado, esto quiere decir que a mayor resiliencia mejor será el clima laboral dentro de la institución
The present investigation, the objective was to determine the relationship between resilience and the work environment in personnel of the Regional Government of Loreto. 2021, quantitative and crosscorrelational design, which was made up of 170 workers, 71.2% being women; where the average age was 46.2 years with a deviation of 862 years and range between 20 and 60 years. Approximately 30% are named. The Resilience Scale of Wagnild and Young (1993) was used and for the second variable the Labor Climate Scale by Sonia Palma (2004). 35.3% of workers have a very good level of resilience; 43.5% good level; 14.1% regular level and 7.1% poor level of resilience. 14.1% of the workers perceive the level of the Labor Climate as very good; 61.2% as good and 24.7% as regular. The hypothesis raised in the present investigation is confirmed by the results obtained in it; a contingency coefficient=0.396 was found, which indicates a low positive correlation between resilience and the work environment in the staff of the Regional Government of Loreto. 2021, this correlation being highly significant, p= 0.000 of the Chi-square Test, this means that the greater the resilience, the better the work environment within the institution.
The present investigation, the objective was to determine the relationship between resilience and the work environment in personnel of the Regional Government of Loreto. 2021, quantitative and crosscorrelational design, which was made up of 170 workers, 71.2% being women; where the average age was 46.2 years with a deviation of 862 years and range between 20 and 60 years. Approximately 30% are named. The Resilience Scale of Wagnild and Young (1993) was used and for the second variable the Labor Climate Scale by Sonia Palma (2004). 35.3% of workers have a very good level of resilience; 43.5% good level; 14.1% regular level and 7.1% poor level of resilience. 14.1% of the workers perceive the level of the Labor Climate as very good; 61.2% as good and 24.7% as regular. The hypothesis raised in the present investigation is confirmed by the results obtained in it; a contingency coefficient=0.396 was found, which indicates a low positive correlation between resilience and the work environment in the staff of the Regional Government of Loreto. 2021, this correlation being highly significant, p= 0.000 of the Chi-square Test, this means that the greater the resilience, the better the work environment within the institution.
Resiliencia, Clima Laboral, Personal, Resilience, Work Climate, Staff
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