Evaluación de niveles de ecoeficiencia en el uso de los recursos de una gestión pública - municipalidad provincial de Ucayali, 2018
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La ecoeficiencia es una estrategia de gestión ambiental para optimizar el uso de la energía, insumos y procesos de generación de bienes y servicios; esto es de gran importancia debido a la elevada demanda de los recursos naturales y por su uso ineficiente. El Perú ha implementado mediante el MINAM, medidas de ecoeficiencia para
las entidades públicas con la finalidad de preservar nuestro medio ambiente que está
siendo afectado por las actividades antrópicas. El estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar el
uso de los recursos que cuenta la Municipalidad Provincial de Ucayali, a través de
niveles de ecoeficiencia (muy bueno, bueno, medio y bajo). Se utilizó el diseño no
experimental del tipo descriptivo, teniendo como población a la Municipalidad Provincial
de Ucayali. En los resultados se obtuvo que el indicador de consumo de energía
eléctrica es de 709.37 kWh/colaborador por lo que el nivel es inferior al nivel bajo. El
indicador de consumo de combustible es de 396.57 galones/colaborador de gasolina de
90 octanos y 404.21 galones/colaborador de Diesel B5 – petróleo por lo que el nivel es
inferior al nivel bajo. El indicador del consumo de agua es de 13.24 m3/colaborador por
lo que el nivel es inferior al nivel bajo. El indicador del consumo de útiles de oficina es
de 3.75 millar/colaborador de papel bond y 1.91 unidad/colaborador de tintas/tóner por
lo que el nivel es inferior al nivel bajo. El indicador de emisión de CO2eq por consumo de
energía eléctrica es de 467.69 kg CO2eq/colaborador por lo que el nivel es inferior al nivel
Eco-efficiency is an environmental management strategy to optimize the use of energy, supplies and processes for the generation of assets and services; this is of a great importance due to the high demand for natural resources and their inefficient use. Peru has implemented through MINAM, eco-efficiency measures for public entities in order to preserve our environment that is being affected by anthropic activities. The aim of the study was to evaluate the use of resources that the Provincial Municipality of Ucayali has, through levels of eco-efficiency (very good, good, medium and low). The nonexperimental design of the descriptive type was used, having as population the Provincial Municipality of Ucayali. In the results it was obtained that the indicator of electricity consumption is 709.37 kWh/collaborator, so the level is lower than the low level. The fuel consumption indicator is 396.57 gallons/collaborator for 90 octane gasoline and 404.21 gallons/collaborator of diesel B5 – petroleum so the level is lower than the low level. The water consumption indicator is 13.24 m3 /collaborator, so the level is lower to the low level. The indicator for the consumption of office supplies is 3.75 thousand/collaborator of bond paper and 1.91 unit/collaborator of ink/toner, so the level is lower to the low level. The CO2 equivalent emission indicator per consumption of electrical energy is 467.69 kg CO2eq/collaborator, so the level is lower than the low level.
Eco-efficiency is an environmental management strategy to optimize the use of energy, supplies and processes for the generation of assets and services; this is of a great importance due to the high demand for natural resources and their inefficient use. Peru has implemented through MINAM, eco-efficiency measures for public entities in order to preserve our environment that is being affected by anthropic activities. The aim of the study was to evaluate the use of resources that the Provincial Municipality of Ucayali has, through levels of eco-efficiency (very good, good, medium and low). The nonexperimental design of the descriptive type was used, having as population the Provincial Municipality of Ucayali. In the results it was obtained that the indicator of electricity consumption is 709.37 kWh/collaborator, so the level is lower than the low level. The fuel consumption indicator is 396.57 gallons/collaborator for 90 octane gasoline and 404.21 gallons/collaborator of diesel B5 – petroleum so the level is lower than the low level. The water consumption indicator is 13.24 m3 /collaborator, so the level is lower to the low level. The indicator for the consumption of office supplies is 3.75 thousand/collaborator of bond paper and 1.91 unit/collaborator of ink/toner, so the level is lower to the low level. The CO2 equivalent emission indicator per consumption of electrical energy is 467.69 kg CO2eq/collaborator, so the level is lower than the low level.
Optimizar, Preservar, Evaluar, Indicador, Ucayali, Optimaze, Preserve, Evaluate, Indicator, Ucayali
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