Violencia familiar y su relación con la depresión en un grupo de mujeres del sector “23 de marzo” Asentamiento Humano Nuevo Punchana. 2021
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Se realizó una investigación cuyo objetivo fue establecer si la violencia familiar tiene relación con la depresión en un grupo de mujeres del Sector “23 de marzo” Asentamiento Humano Nuevo Punchana. Distrito de Punchana. Con este fin se aplicó a la muestra seleccionada dos instrumentos de evaluación psicológica (Cuestionario sobre violencia familiar y la Escala de Depresión de Zung) los cuales fueron debidamente validados por criterio de jueces y cuya confiabilidad fue determinada por el Coeficiente Alpha de Cronbach. La población estuvo conformada por 74 mujeres del Sector “23 de Marzo” Asentamiento Humano Nuevo Punchana (Iquitos) y la muestra fue 30 mujeres. Se seleccionó la muestra por muestreo “no probabilístico” de tipo criterial. El tipo de investigación fue descriptiva explicativa, el nivel de la investigación fue el correlacional, el diseño de la investigación fue el “no experimental”, el enfoque fue el cuantitativo y para el procesamiento estadístico se utilizó el programa estadístico SPSS Versión 24. Se revisaron los antecedentes y el marco teórico referido a las dos variables consideradas (violencia familiar y depresión). El análisis estadístico permitió comprobar las hipótesis formuladas, es decir, se constató que la violencia familiar guarda una relación significativa con la depresión en el grupo de mujeres de la muestra. Se establecieron las conclusiones del caso y se formularon las respectivas recomendaciones.
An investigation was carried out whose objective was to establish if family violence is related to depression in a group of women from the "23 de marzo" Sector, Nuevo Punchana Human Settlement. Punchana district. To this end, two psychological assessment instruments (Family Violence Questionnaire and Zung Depression Scale) were applied to the selected sample, which were duly validated by judges' criteria and whose reliability was determined by Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient. The population consisted of 74 women from the "23 de Marzo" Sector, Nuevo Punchana Human Settlement (Iquitos) and the sample was 30 women. The sample was selected by "non-probabilistic" sampling of the criterial type. The type of research was descriptive-explanatory, the level of the research was correlational, the research design was "non-experimental", the approach was quantitative, and the statistical program SPSS Version 24 was used for statistical processing. the antecedents and the theoretical framework referring to the two variables considered (family violence and depression). The statistical analysis made it possible to verify the formulated hypotheses, that is, it was found that family violence is significantly related to depression in the group of women in the sample. The conclusions of the case were established and the respective recommendations were formulated.
An investigation was carried out whose objective was to establish if family violence is related to depression in a group of women from the "23 de marzo" Sector, Nuevo Punchana Human Settlement. Punchana district. To this end, two psychological assessment instruments (Family Violence Questionnaire and Zung Depression Scale) were applied to the selected sample, which were duly validated by judges' criteria and whose reliability was determined by Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient. The population consisted of 74 women from the "23 de Marzo" Sector, Nuevo Punchana Human Settlement (Iquitos) and the sample was 30 women. The sample was selected by "non-probabilistic" sampling of the criterial type. The type of research was descriptive-explanatory, the level of the research was correlational, the research design was "non-experimental", the approach was quantitative, and the statistical program SPSS Version 24 was used for statistical processing. the antecedents and the theoretical framework referring to the two variables considered (family violence and depression). The statistical analysis made it possible to verify the formulated hypotheses, that is, it was found that family violence is significantly related to depression in the group of women in the sample. The conclusions of the case were established and the respective recommendations were formulated.
Violencia Familiar, Depresión, Mujeres, Family Violence, Depression, Women
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