Niveles de autoestima y habilidades sociales en estudiantes de 5º secundaria de una Institución Educativa - San Juan Bautista - 2019
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general, establecer la
relación entre los niveles de autoestima y el desarrollo de habilidades
sociales en estudiantes de quinto secundaria de una institución educativa
distrito de San Juan Bautista, - 2019. La población es de 370 estudiantes,
el muestreo no es probabilístico, el tamaño de la muestra fue 70
estudiantes de las secciones A y B, en los cuales se han empleado la
variable: Autoestima y el de Habilidades sociales.
El método empleado en la investigación fue el hipotético-deductivo. Esta
investigación utilizó para su propósito el diseño no experimental de nivel
correlacional de corte transversal, que recogió la información en un
período específico, que se desarrolló al aplicar los instrumentos:
Cuestionario autoestima, el cual estuvo constituido por 20 preguntas en la
escala de Likert (muy en desacuerdo, algo en desacuerdo, algo de
acuerdo, muy de acuerdo) y el cuestionario de habilidades sociales, el
cual estuvo constituido por 20 preguntas, en la escala (nunca, a veces,
siempre), que brindaron información acerca del autoestima y de
habilidades sociales, a través de la evaluación de sus distintas
dimensiones, cuyos resultados se presentan gráfica y textualmente.
La investigación concluye que existe evidencia para afirmar que la
autoestima se relaciona significativamente con las habilidades sociales en
estudiantes de quinto secundaria de una institución educativa distrito de
San Juan Bautista, - 2019., siendo que el coeficiente de correlación Rho
de Spearman de 0,873, representó una alta correlación entre las
The present research had as a general objective, to establish the relationship between self-esteem levels and the development of social skills in fifth-year students of a San Juan Bautista district educational institution, - 2019. The population is 370 students, the sampling was not it is probabilistic, the sample size was 70 students from sections A and B, in which the variable: Self-esteem and that of Social Skills have been used. The method used in the investigation was the hypothetical-deductive method. This research used for its purpose the non-experimental crosssectional correlation level design, which collected the information in a specific period, which was developed by applying the instruments: Selfesteem questionnaire, which consisted of 20 questions on the Likert scale ( strongly disagree, somewhat disagree, somewhat agree, strongly agree) and the social skills questionnaire, which consisted of 20 questions, on the scale (never, sometimes, always), which provided information about selfesteem and of social skills, through the evaluation of its different dimensions, whose results are presented graphically and textually. The research concludes that there is evidence to affirm that self-esteem is significantly related to social skills in fifth-year students from a San Juan Bautista district educational institution, - 2019., being that the Spearman's Rho correlation coefficient of 0.873, represented a high correlation between the variables.
The present research had as a general objective, to establish the relationship between self-esteem levels and the development of social skills in fifth-year students of a San Juan Bautista district educational institution, - 2019. The population is 370 students, the sampling was not it is probabilistic, the sample size was 70 students from sections A and B, in which the variable: Self-esteem and that of Social Skills have been used. The method used in the investigation was the hypothetical-deductive method. This research used for its purpose the non-experimental crosssectional correlation level design, which collected the information in a specific period, which was developed by applying the instruments: Selfesteem questionnaire, which consisted of 20 questions on the Likert scale ( strongly disagree, somewhat disagree, somewhat agree, strongly agree) and the social skills questionnaire, which consisted of 20 questions, on the scale (never, sometimes, always), which provided information about selfesteem and of social skills, through the evaluation of its different dimensions, whose results are presented graphically and textually. The research concludes that there is evidence to affirm that self-esteem is significantly related to social skills in fifth-year students from a San Juan Bautista district educational institution, - 2019., being that the Spearman's Rho correlation coefficient of 0.873, represented a high correlation between the variables.
Autoestima, Habilidades sociales: De interacción social, Comunicativas, Para la solución de conflictos, Relacionadas con los sentimientos, Emociones y opiniones, Self-esteem, Social skills, Social interaction, Communication, For conflict resolution, Related to feelings, Emotions and opinions
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