La aplicacion del principio de congruencia procesal y el interdicto de recobrar, en la casacion 2769-2017 Arequipa
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El presente trabajo desarrolla la figura del interdicto de recobrar, institución que busca identificar que quien la ejerce es el poseedor, sea legítimo o ilegítimo, mediante la cual se discute la posesión actual, con prescindencia del derecho. En la casación N° 2769-2017-Arequipa, la cual es materia de análisis, se puede dar cuenta que mediante este proceso judicial se busca no solo la restitución de la posesión; sino además el mantener la paz social. Se ha buscado identificar los requisitos necesarios para que una pretensión interdictal sea amparada por el juez. Ello se ha de reflejar en el presente trabajo. Este tipo de pretensión se ha de tramitar en la vía del proceso sumarísimo, el cual es más breve en comparación con el abreviado y conocimiento, más aún cuando se cuenta con una audiencia única que refleja la puesta en vigencia de principios como el de economía, concentración y celeridad procesal. La presente investigación partió del problema ¿Cómo se ha aplicado el principio de congruencia procesal en el caso de la casación 2769-2017 Arequipa? Y el objetivo fue: Analizar la forma en que se ha aplicado el principio de congruencia procesal en la casación 2769-2017 Arequipa. La técnica que se empleó una ficha de análisis de documentos, analizando una muestra consistente en la Casación 2769-2017 Arequipa, utilizando el Método tipo de investigación fue Cualitativo, Teórico-Explicativo y dogmático y diseño de no experimental de tipo transaccional descriptivo. Para el análisis estadístico se usará la estadística descriptiva. Los resultados indicaron que: En la casación N° 2769-2017- Arequipa existe una indebida aplicación del principio de congruencia procesal en el interdicto de recobrar, toda vez que la Sala Superior no ha cumplido su deber de emitir un pronunciamiento sobre la pretensión del interdicto de recobrar del inmueble ubicado en la Manzana O-2, Lote 01, Módulo A, Sector 3, Ciudad de Cajes-Arequipa, no resolviendo si procede o no amparar la demanda de interdicto de recobrar, afectando directamente el principio de congruencia procesal.
This work develops the figure of the injunction to recover, an institution that seeks to identify whoever exercises it is the possessor, whether legitimate or illegitimate, through which current possession is discussed, regardless of the right. In cassation No. 2769-2017-Arequipa which is the subject of analysis, it can be realized that through this judicial process not only the restitution of possession is sought; but also to maintain social peace An attempt has been made to identify the necessary requirements for an interdict claim to be protected by the judge. This must be reflected in the present work. This type of claim must be processed through the summary process, which is shorter compared to the abbreviated and knowledge process, , even more so when there is a single audience that reflects the implementation of principles such as economy, concentration and procedural speed. The present investigation started from the problem: How has the principle of procedural congruence been applied in the case of cassation 2769-2017 Arequipa? And the objective was: Analyze the way in which the principle of procedural consistency has been applied in cassation 2769-2017 Arequipa. The technique used was a document analysis sheet, analyzing a sample consisting of Cassation 2769-2017 Arequipa, using the type of research method that was Qualitative, Theoretical-Explanatory and dogmatic and a non-experimental 13 design of a descriptive transactional type. Descriptive statistics will be used for statistical analysis. The results indicated that: In cassation No. 2769-2017- Arequipa there is an improper application of the principle of procedural consistency in the interdict to recover, since the Superior Chamber has not fulfilled its duty to issue a ruling on the claim for the interdict to recover from the property located in Block O-2, Lot 01, Module A, Sector 3, City of Cajes-Arequipa, not resolving whether or not to protect the demand for an injunction to recover, directly affecting the principle of procedural consistency.
This work develops the figure of the injunction to recover, an institution that seeks to identify whoever exercises it is the possessor, whether legitimate or illegitimate, through which current possession is discussed, regardless of the right. In cassation No. 2769-2017-Arequipa which is the subject of analysis, it can be realized that through this judicial process not only the restitution of possession is sought; but also to maintain social peace An attempt has been made to identify the necessary requirements for an interdict claim to be protected by the judge. This must be reflected in the present work. This type of claim must be processed through the summary process, which is shorter compared to the abbreviated and knowledge process, , even more so when there is a single audience that reflects the implementation of principles such as economy, concentration and procedural speed. The present investigation started from the problem: How has the principle of procedural congruence been applied in the case of cassation 2769-2017 Arequipa? And the objective was: Analyze the way in which the principle of procedural consistency has been applied in cassation 2769-2017 Arequipa. The technique used was a document analysis sheet, analyzing a sample consisting of Cassation 2769-2017 Arequipa, using the type of research method that was Qualitative, Theoretical-Explanatory and dogmatic and a non-experimental 13 design of a descriptive transactional type. Descriptive statistics will be used for statistical analysis. The results indicated that: In cassation No. 2769-2017- Arequipa there is an improper application of the principle of procedural consistency in the interdict to recover, since the Superior Chamber has not fulfilled its duty to issue a ruling on the claim for the interdict to recover from the property located in Block O-2, Lot 01, Module A, Sector 3, City of Cajes-Arequipa, not resolving whether or not to protect the demand for an injunction to recover, directly affecting the principle of procedural consistency.
Interdicto de recobrar, Congruencia procesal, Derecho procesal civil, Debido proceso, Injunction to recover, Procedural consistency, Civil procedural law, Due process
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