Influencia de la macrofibra sintética sika fiber force 48 en el módulo de ruptura del concreto cemento-arena, elaborado solamente con agregado fino, Iquitos – 2023
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Universidad Científica del Perú
En esta investigación del tipo cuantitativo, de nivel descriptivo y explicativo y de diseño cuasiexperimental, se determinó la influencia de la adición de macrofibra sintética Sika Fiber Force – 48 en el módulo de ruptura del concreto cemento-arena elaborado solamente con agregado fino.
La muestra estuvo conformada por especímenes de concreto patrón elaborados con relación a/c = 0.58, 0.63 y 0.68; y, especímenes del grupo experimental elaborados con la misma relación agua/cemento y tres dosificaciones de fibra (7.5, 8.5 y 10 kg/m3).
Se aplicó la estadística descriptiva e inferencial. A la luz de los resultados se concluye lo siguiente: La adición de Sika Fiber Force 48, en todas las dosificaciones del experimento sí influye en el módulo de ruptura del concreto cemento-arena.
Se obtiene los mejores resultados con la adición de 10kg/m3 de mezcla de concreto, para las tres relaciones A/C de 0.58, 0.63, 0.68; sin embargo, el módulo de ruptura más alto encontrado fue de 69 kg/cm2, correspondiente a la relación A/C = 0.58, habiendo variado de 51 kg/cm2 del concreto patrón, con lo cual se confirma la hipótesis general; sin embargo, la resistencia a la compresión para todas las relaciones A/C experimentales fueron inferiores a las del concreto patrón llegando a disminuir, hasta en 20%.
In this quantitative, descriptive and explanatory research with a quasi-experimental design, the influence of the addition of Sika Fiber Force - 48 synthetic macrofiber on the modulus of rupture of cement-sand concrete made only with fine aggregate was determined. The sample consisted of standard concrete specimens made with w/c ratio = 0.58, 0.63 and 0.68; and specimens of the experimental group made with the same water/cement ratio and three fiber dosages (7.5, 8.5 and 10 kg/m3). Descriptive and inferential statistics were applied. In light of the results, the following conclusions can be drawn: The addition of Sika Fiber Force 48, in all dosages of the experiment does influence the modulus of rupture of cement-sand concrete. The best results are obtained with the addition of 10kg/m3 of concrete mix, for the three A/C ratios of 0.58, 0.63, 0.68; however, the highest modulus of rupture found was 69 kg/cm2, corresponding to the ratio A/C = 0.58, having varied from 51 kg/cm2 of the standard concrete, which confirms the general hypothesis; however, the compressive strength for all the experimental A/C ratios were lower than those of the standard concrete, decreasing up to 20%.
In this quantitative, descriptive and explanatory research with a quasi-experimental design, the influence of the addition of Sika Fiber Force - 48 synthetic macrofiber on the modulus of rupture of cement-sand concrete made only with fine aggregate was determined. The sample consisted of standard concrete specimens made with w/c ratio = 0.58, 0.63 and 0.68; and specimens of the experimental group made with the same water/cement ratio and three fiber dosages (7.5, 8.5 and 10 kg/m3). Descriptive and inferential statistics were applied. In light of the results, the following conclusions can be drawn: The addition of Sika Fiber Force 48, in all dosages of the experiment does influence the modulus of rupture of cement-sand concrete. The best results are obtained with the addition of 10kg/m3 of concrete mix, for the three A/C ratios of 0.58, 0.63, 0.68; however, the highest modulus of rupture found was 69 kg/cm2, corresponding to the ratio A/C = 0.58, having varied from 51 kg/cm2 of the standard concrete, which confirms the general hypothesis; however, the compressive strength for all the experimental A/C ratios were lower than those of the standard concrete, decreasing up to 20%.
Fibra sintética, Módulo de ruptura, Resistencia a la compresión, Synthetic fiber, Modulus of rupture, Compressive strength
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