Impacto del teletrabajo y trabajo remoto para laborar a distancia en la ciudad de Iquitos en el año 2021
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Universidad Científica del Perú
A raíz de la pandemia del COVID 19, se implementó en el Perú y el mundo por la emergencia sanitaria el Teletrabajo, el Trabajo remoto o trabajo a distancia desde tu casa a través de medios digitales y el internet para evitar que el aparato productivo se paralice y no genere un caos total en la economía mundial.
El COVID 19, nos hizo ver nuestra realidad desde toda óptica, desde el punto de vista sanitario, con hospitales desabastecidos sin medicina, falta de personal, como también, la falta de mecanismos virtuales para conectarnos a este nuevo sistema de trabajo, la pandemia, nos obligó a implementarnos de aparatos tecnológicos que antes lo considerábamos en segundo plano, debido a que no era primordial en nuestro quehacer diario, aumentaron las ventas de digitales, el mundo se digitalizó por completo, las actividades tomaron un rumbo diferente, es decir, se virtualizaron y es por eso y otras circunstancias, el trabajo no podía estar ajeno a estos cambios tecnológicos.
As a result of the COVID 19 pandemic, Teleworking, Remote Work or remote work from your home through digital media and the internet was implemented in Peru and the world due to the health emergency to prevent the productive apparatus from being paralyzed. and does not generate total chaos in the world economy. COVID 19 made us see our reality from every perspective, from a health point of view, with hospitals undersupplied without medicine, lack of personnel, as well as the lack of virtual mechanisms to connect to this new work system, the pandemic, forced us to implement technological devices that we previously considered in the background, because it was not essential in our daily work, digital sales increased, the world became completely digitalized, activities took a different direction, that is, they They virtualized and that is why and other circumstances, work could not be immune to these technological changes.
As a result of the COVID 19 pandemic, Teleworking, Remote Work or remote work from your home through digital media and the internet was implemented in Peru and the world due to the health emergency to prevent the productive apparatus from being paralyzed. and does not generate total chaos in the world economy. COVID 19 made us see our reality from every perspective, from a health point of view, with hospitals undersupplied without medicine, lack of personnel, as well as the lack of virtual mechanisms to connect to this new work system, the pandemic, forced us to implement technological devices that we previously considered in the background, because it was not essential in our daily work, digital sales increased, the world became completely digitalized, activities took a different direction, that is, they They virtualized and that is why and other circumstances, work could not be immune to these technological changes.
Teletrabajo derecho laboral, Trámite, Teleworking labor law, Procedure
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