Técnica expositiva por estudiantes del primer grado de educación primaria de la institución educativa n°61023 “rosa licenia vela pinedo de costa” de la ciudad de Nauta 2022
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El objetivo de esta investigación fue: Determinar el uso de la técnica
expositiva en Estudiantes del 1er Grado de Educación Primaria de la
Institución Educativa N°61023 “Rosa Licenia Vela Pinedo de Costa” de la
ciudad de Nauta durante el año 2022.
La investigación fue de tipo descriptivo. El diseño usual de la Indagación
fue el no experimental y el diseño específico fue el descriptivo transversal.
La población lo conformo 97 Estudiantes del 1er Grado de Educación
Primaria y la muestra fue de 40 estudiantes obtenida mediante el diseño
muestral para poblaciones menor a 1500 de la Institución Educativa
N°61023 “Rosa Licenia Vela Pinedo de Costa” de la ciudad de Nauta
durante el año 2022.
La recolección de datos se hizo mediante una encuesta y su instrumento
fue el cuestionario. Los resultados muestran que del promedio ( x )de 40
(100%) estudiantes: 22.1 (55.3%) manifestaron que es Regular (11 – 15 p)
la técnica expositiva, predominando con 63.7% los indicadores de la
dimensión: Conferencia expositiva.
The objective of this research was: To determine the use of the expository technique in Students of the 1st Grade of Primary Education of the Educational Institution No. 61023 "Rosa Licenia Vela Pinedo de Costa" of the city of Nauta during the year 2022. The research was descriptive. The usual design of the Inquiry was nonexperimental and the specific design was cross-sectional descriptive. The population was made up of 97 Students of the 1st Grade of Primary Education and the sample was 40 students obtained through the sample design for populations less than 1500 of the Educational Institution No. 61023 "Rosa Licenia Vela Pinedo de Costa" of the city of Nauta during the year 2022. Data collection was done through a survey and its instrument was the questionnaire. The results show that of the average ( ) of 40 (100%) students: 22.1 (55.3%) stated that the expository technique is Regular (11 – 15 p), predominating with 63.7% the indicators of the dimension: Expository Conference.
The objective of this research was: To determine the use of the expository technique in Students of the 1st Grade of Primary Education of the Educational Institution No. 61023 "Rosa Licenia Vela Pinedo de Costa" of the city of Nauta during the year 2022. The research was descriptive. The usual design of the Inquiry was nonexperimental and the specific design was cross-sectional descriptive. The population was made up of 97 Students of the 1st Grade of Primary Education and the sample was 40 students obtained through the sample design for populations less than 1500 of the Educational Institution No. 61023 "Rosa Licenia Vela Pinedo de Costa" of the city of Nauta during the year 2022. Data collection was done through a survey and its instrument was the questionnaire. The results show that of the average ( ) of 40 (100%) students: 22.1 (55.3%) stated that the expository technique is Regular (11 – 15 p), predominating with 63.7% the indicators of the dimension: Expository Conference.
Técnica Expositiva, Educación Primaria, Expository Technique., Primary education
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