Nivel de ansiedad en docentes que laboran en un centro pedagógico superior de la ciudad de Iquitos, 2022
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El presente estudio de investigación tuvo por objetivo determinar el
nivel de ansiedad en docentes que laboran en un centro pedagógico
superior de la ciudad de Iquitos, 2022. La misma que tuvo como
marco metodológico de tipo descriptivo simple de diseño no
experimental, la población estuvo conformada por 30 docentes
siendo la muestra de 27 docentes, la técnica empleada fue la
psicométrica y el instrumento la Escala de Autovaloración de la
Ansiedad de ZUNG – EAA. Los resultados mostraron que los
docentes que laboran en un centro pedagógico superior de la ciudad
de Iquitos, el 63,0% no presenta ansiedad, sin embargo, un 33,3%
si lo presenta en nivel mínima a moderada y solo un 3,7% lo presenta
en niveles de marcada a severa, sin bien es cierto, no hubiere ningún
problema en los dicentes sin ansiedad, por otro lado, aunque con un
mínimo porcentaje del 3,7% si presenta ansiedad de marcada a
severa, esto nos indicaría que los docentes presentan procesos
somáticos como cansancio y debilidad, palpitaciones rápidas del
corazón incluso en estado de reposo, mareos y sanciones de
desmayo, sudoraciones excesivas sin causa aparente de la estación
generando bochornos todo ello estaría asociado a la sobrevaloración
del pensamiento generando excesivas preocupaciones respecto a
su futuro e intentando tener el absoluto control de todas las
situaciones dentro de sus entorno laboral, familia y social.
The objective of this research study was to determine the level of anxiety in teachers who work in a higher pedagogical center in the city of Iquitos, 2022. The same one that had as a methodological framework of a simple descriptive type of non-experimental design, the population was made up of by 30 teachers, the sample being 27 teachers, the technique used was psychometric and the instrument was the ZUNG Anxiety Self-Assessment Scale - EAA. The results showed that the teachers who work in a higher educational center in the city of Iquitos, 63.0% do not present anxiety, however, 33.3% do present it at a minimum to moderate level and only 3.7 % presents it at marked to severe levels, although it is true, there is no problem in the students without anxiety, on the other hand, although with a minimum percentage of 3.7% if they present marked to severe anxiety, this would indicate that teachers present somatic processes such as fatigue and weakness, rapid heart palpitations even in a state of rest, dizziness and fainting sanctions, excessive sweating without apparent cause of the season, generating hot flashes, all of this would be associated with the overvaluation of thought, generating excessive concerns regarding to their future and trying to have absolute control of all situations within their work, family and social environment.
The objective of this research study was to determine the level of anxiety in teachers who work in a higher pedagogical center in the city of Iquitos, 2022. The same one that had as a methodological framework of a simple descriptive type of non-experimental design, the population was made up of by 30 teachers, the sample being 27 teachers, the technique used was psychometric and the instrument was the ZUNG Anxiety Self-Assessment Scale - EAA. The results showed that the teachers who work in a higher educational center in the city of Iquitos, 63.0% do not present anxiety, however, 33.3% do present it at a minimum to moderate level and only 3.7 % presents it at marked to severe levels, although it is true, there is no problem in the students without anxiety, on the other hand, although with a minimum percentage of 3.7% if they present marked to severe anxiety, this would indicate that teachers present somatic processes such as fatigue and weakness, rapid heart palpitations even in a state of rest, dizziness and fainting sanctions, excessive sweating without apparent cause of the season, generating hot flashes, all of this would be associated with the overvaluation of thought, generating excessive concerns regarding to their future and trying to have absolute control of all situations within their work, family and social environment.
Ansiedad, Cansancio, Palpitaciones, Anxiety, Fatigue, Palpitations
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