Incoacción del proceso inmediato en el delito de violación sexual en menores de edad. casación n°1130-2017-San Martín
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La presente investigación viene motivada por el motivo casacional delimitado en la Casación N°1130-2017 – San Martín de la Sala Penal Permanente, esto es, determinar si la sentencia de vista ha inobservado la garantía constitucional del proceso predeterminado por ley y, por tanto, si correspondía dilucidar los cargos contra el encausado en el proceso inmediato; que, en el presente caso la incoación de la vía procedimental inmediata es aplicado al delito de violación sexual de menor de edad, una situación que implica una doble temática que importa el aspecto sustantivo y adjetivo, que serán abordados en el trabajo y recaen sobre el análisis dogmático del delito en cuestión – materia de procesamiento – y el desarrollo doctrinario, normativo y jurisprudencial del proceso inmediato.
Esta investigación tiene como objetivo principal; determinar si es posible incoar el proceso inmediato en los delitos de violación sexual en menores de edad. En relación a los materiales y métodos de investigación, se empleó el fichaje para el análisis de los documentos; teniendo en cuenta que la presente investigación es un trabajo de suficiencia profesional está desarrollado dentro de un enfoque cualitativo de tipo socio jurídico, en la que el nivel de investigación es de tipo descriptiva.
Asimismo, se obtuvo como resultado que; el proceso inmediato constituye una vía procedimental especial cuya concurrencia dependerá de los supuestos establecidos por el Código Procesal Penal y los requisitos delimitados por la jurisprudencia; de ello, se concluye, además, es posible la incoación del proceso inmediato en los delitos de violación sexual en menores de edad siempre que el ilícito penal se manifestara en algunos de los contextos (supuestos) establecidos por la norma procesal.
The present investigation is motivated by the cassation reason outlined in Cassation No. 1130-2017 – San Martín of the Permanent Criminal Chamber, that is, to determine if the hearing sentence has failed to observe the constitutional guarantee of the process predetermined by law and, therefore , if it was appropriate to elucidate the charges against the accused in the immediate process; that, in the present case, the initiation of the immediate procedural route is applied to the crime of sexual rape of a minor, a situation that implies a double issue that matters the substantive and adjective aspect, which will be addressed in the work and fall on the dogmatic analysis of the crime in question – subject of prosecution – and the doctrinal, regulatory and jurisprudential development of the immediate process. This research has as its main objective; determine if it is possible to initiate immediate proceedings in crimes of sexual violation of minors. In relation to the research materials and methods, the recording was used for the analysis of the documents; Taking into account that this research is a work of professional sufficiency, it is developed within a qualitative socio-legal approach, in which the level of research is descriptive. Likewise, the result was that: The immediate process constitutes a special procedural route whose concurrence will depend on the assumptions established by the Criminal Procedure Code and the requirements defined by jurisprudence; From this, it is also concluded that it is possible to initiate immediate proceedings in crimes of sexual violation of minors as long as the criminal offense manifests itself in some of the (supposed) contexts established by the procedural standard.
The present investigation is motivated by the cassation reason outlined in Cassation No. 1130-2017 – San Martín of the Permanent Criminal Chamber, that is, to determine if the hearing sentence has failed to observe the constitutional guarantee of the process predetermined by law and, therefore , if it was appropriate to elucidate the charges against the accused in the immediate process; that, in the present case, the initiation of the immediate procedural route is applied to the crime of sexual rape of a minor, a situation that implies a double issue that matters the substantive and adjective aspect, which will be addressed in the work and fall on the dogmatic analysis of the crime in question – subject of prosecution – and the doctrinal, regulatory and jurisprudential development of the immediate process. This research has as its main objective; determine if it is possible to initiate immediate proceedings in crimes of sexual violation of minors. In relation to the research materials and methods, the recording was used for the analysis of the documents; Taking into account that this research is a work of professional sufficiency, it is developed within a qualitative socio-legal approach, in which the level of research is descriptive. Likewise, the result was that: The immediate process constitutes a special procedural route whose concurrence will depend on the assumptions established by the Criminal Procedure Code and the requirements defined by jurisprudence; From this, it is also concluded that it is possible to initiate immediate proceedings in crimes of sexual violation of minors as long as the criminal offense manifests itself in some of the (supposed) contexts established by the procedural standard.
Proceso inmediato, Violación sexual, Evidencia delictiva, Incoación, Flagrancia, Immediate process, Sexual violation, Criminal evidence, Initiation, Flagrancy
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