Satisfacción con la vida en los adultos mayores del centro de atención integral del adulto mayor - Ciam Maynas, Iquitos 2020
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La satisfacción con la vida se relaciona con un sentimiento personal de bienestar o de felicidad que influyen en las experiencias que vivimos en determinados momentos de nuestras vidas. El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo establecer el nivel de satisfacción con la vida de los adultos mayores del Centro de Atención Integral del Adulto Mayor- CIAM MAYNAS, Iquitos. El tipo de investigación es descriptivo cuantitativo, de diseño no experimental transeccional descriptivo simple, con una población de 310 adultos mayores, la muestra estuvo conformada por 163 participantes de 70 – 79 años de edad, seleccionados por medio del muestreo intencional no probabilístico, siendo el 62.0% mujeres y el 38.0% hombres. Los instrumentos que se utilizó para la recolección de datos fue el Cuestionario Sociodemográfico y la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida, Modelo de Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin (1985). En dicha escala, el 52.8% de la población evaluada obtuvo una puntuación muy alta; es decir que se encuentran muy satisfechos. Se concluye en general que se encuentran muy satisfechos con la mayoría de las áreas de sus vidas, de hecho, el crecimiento y los retos que hay ahora en su vida podrían estar alimentando su satisfacción.
Life satisfaction is related to a personal feeling of well-being or happiness that influences the experiences we have at certain times in our lives. The objective of this research work was to establish the level of satisfaction with life of older adults at the Comprehensive Care Center for Older Adults - CIAM MAYNAS, Iquitos. Thetype of research is quantitative descriptive, with a simple descriptive cross-sectionalnon-experimental design, with a population of 310 older adults, the sample consisted of 163 participants aged 70-79 years, selected through non-probabilistic intentional sampling, being the 62.0% women and 38.0% men. The instruments used for data collection were the Sociodemographic Questionnaire and the Satisfaction with Life Scale, Model of Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin (1985). Onthis scale, 52.8% of the evaluated population obtained a very high score; that is, they are very satisfied. In general, it is concluded that they are very satisfied with most areas of their lives, in fact, the growth and challenges that are now in their livescould be feeding their satisfaction.
Life satisfaction is related to a personal feeling of well-being or happiness that influences the experiences we have at certain times in our lives. The objective of this research work was to establish the level of satisfaction with life of older adults at the Comprehensive Care Center for Older Adults - CIAM MAYNAS, Iquitos. Thetype of research is quantitative descriptive, with a simple descriptive cross-sectionalnon-experimental design, with a population of 310 older adults, the sample consisted of 163 participants aged 70-79 years, selected through non-probabilistic intentional sampling, being the 62.0% women and 38.0% men. The instruments used for data collection were the Sociodemographic Questionnaire and the Satisfaction with Life Scale, Model of Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin (1985). Onthis scale, 52.8% of the evaluated population obtained a very high score; that is, they are very satisfied. In general, it is concluded that they are very satisfied with most areas of their lives, in fact, the growth and challenges that are now in their livescould be feeding their satisfaction.
Satisfacción con la vida, Bienestar subjetivo, Insatisfacción, Autoestima, Adulto mayor, Pobre extremo, Satisfaction with life, Subjective well-being, Dissatisfaction, Self-esteem, Elderly and extremely
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