Efectos de la incorporación de polvo de vidrio reciclado en la estabilización de la subrasante de la calle 10 de agosto, distrito de san juan bautista, provincia de maynas – 2023
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Este trabajo de tesis corresponde a una investigación aplicada y
explicativa con enfoque cuantitativo, de nivel descriptivo y diseño
cuasiexperimental; tuvo como objetivo principal, establecer la contribución de la
adición de polvo de vidrio reciclado en la mejora de las características físicas y
mecánicas del suelo natural arcilloso de una colina baja, emplazado en el AA.
HH. Villa Jerusalén en la carretera Iquitos – Santo Tomás, cuyas propiedades se
ha previsto mejorar adicionando polvo de vidrio reciclado en 2%, 5%, 7.5% y
10% para su uso en la conformación de la subrasante de la calle 10 de Agosto,
distrito de San Juan Bautista, provincia de Maynas. En su desarrollo se empleó
la estadística descriptiva e inferencial. Como resultados de la investigación se
obtuvieron porcentajes óptimos de máxima densidad seca y humedad óptima al
adicionar el 5 % de polvo de vidrio reciclado. Se concluye que los resultados del
estudio son satisfactorios, pues el incorporar el 5 % de vidrio reciclado molido
ayuda a mejorar las propiedades del suelo, siendo el valor de Razón Soporte
California CBR al 95 % el de los más favorables al bordear 26.5 %; asimismo, el
suelo cuyo IP de 13.55%, mejoró a una DS de 1.699 gr/cm3, para un óptimo
contenido de humedad de 17,35 %.
This thesis work corresponds to an applied research and explanatory with a quantitative approach, descriptive level and design quasi-experimental; Its main objective was to establish the contribution of the addition of recycled glass powder in improving physical characteristics and mechanics of the natural clay soil of a low hill, located in the AA. HH. Villa Jerusalem on the Iquitos – Santo Tomás highway, whose properties It is planned to improve by adding recycled glass powder in 2%, 5%, 7.5% and 10% for use in the formation of the subgrade of 10th Street August, district of San Juan Bautista, province of Maynas. In its development used descriptive and inferential statistics. As results of the research, optimal percentages of maximum dry density and optimal humidity by adding 5% recycled glass powder. It is concluded that the results of the study are satisfactory, since incorporating 5% of Ground recycled glass helps improve soil properties, being the California CBR Support Ratio value at 95% the most favorable to the border 26.5%; Likewise, the soil whose IP of 13.55% improved to a DS of 1,699 gr/cm3, for an optimal moisture content of 17.35%.
This thesis work corresponds to an applied research and explanatory with a quantitative approach, descriptive level and design quasi-experimental; Its main objective was to establish the contribution of the addition of recycled glass powder in improving physical characteristics and mechanics of the natural clay soil of a low hill, located in the AA. HH. Villa Jerusalem on the Iquitos – Santo Tomás highway, whose properties It is planned to improve by adding recycled glass powder in 2%, 5%, 7.5% and 10% for use in the formation of the subgrade of 10th Street August, district of San Juan Bautista, province of Maynas. In its development used descriptive and inferential statistics. As results of the research, optimal percentages of maximum dry density and optimal humidity by adding 5% recycled glass powder. It is concluded that the results of the study are satisfactory, since incorporating 5% of Ground recycled glass helps improve soil properties, being the California CBR Support Ratio value at 95% the most favorable to the border 26.5%; Likewise, the soil whose IP of 13.55% improved to a DS of 1,699 gr/cm3, for an optimal moisture content of 17.35%.
Estabilización, Vidrio reciclado, Conformación de subrasante, Stabilization, Recycled glass, Formation of subgrade
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