Inteligencia emocional en estudiantes de nivel secundaria de una institución educativa pública convenio. Requena, 2022
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar los niveles de
inteligencia emocional en estudiantes de quinto año de nivel secundaria de
una Institución Educativa Pública Convenio Requena, 2022. El tipo de
investigación fue de tipo descriptivo simple porque solo describe o estima
parámetros en la población de estudio a partir de una muestra. su alcance
temporal fue transversal ya que las variables fueron medidas en un solo
momento. El diseño del estudio fue del tipo “no experimental” puesto que
no se manipuló ninguna variable. La población de la investigación estuvo
conformada por 63 estudiantes, distribuidos en las secciones: A y B siendo
la muestra conformada por 54 estudiantes. La técnica fue la Psicométrica y
el instrumento el “Inventario de Inteligencia emocional de BarOn Ice – NA
Forma abreviada en niños y adolescentes”. Los resultados fueron:
Respecto al resultado general, el 42,6% de las estudiantes de quinto año
de nivel secundaria obtuvieron un nivel promedio de inteligencia emocional,
un 18,5% obtuvo nivel bajo, 13,0% nivel muy bajo, 11,1% nivel alto, 7,4%
nivel deficiente, 5,6% muy alto y solo el 1,9% obtuvo un nivel excelente. En
cuanto a la dimensión “Intrapersonal, el 57,4% obtuvieron nivel promedio,
un 14,8% obtuvo nivel bajo, 11,1% nivel muy bajo, 11,1% nivel alto, 3,7%
muy alto y solo el 1,9% nivel excelente. En relación a la dimensión
“Interpersonal, el 42,6% obtuvo nivel promedio, un 18,5% nivel bajo, 11,1%
nivel alto, 11,1% nivel muy alto, 9,3% nivel muy bajo y solo el 7,4% obtuvo
nivel deficiente. En la dimensión “Adaptabilidad”, el 46,3% obtuvo nivel
promedio, 18,5% nivel bajo, 14,8% nivel alto, 9,3% muy alto, 7,4% muy
bajo, 1,9% nivel excelente y solo el 1,9% obtuvo nivel deficiente. Por cuanto
a la dimensión “Manejo de tensión”, el 42,6% obtuvieron nivel promedio en
manejo de la tensión, un 25,9% nivel bajo, 13,0% nivel alto, 9,3% muy bajo,
5,6% deficiente, 1,9% muy alto nivel y 1,9% nivel excelente.
The objective of this study was to determine the levels of emotional intelligence in fifth-year secondary school students of a Public Educational Institution, Requena Convention, 2022. The type of research was simple descriptive because it only describes or estimates parameters in the study population. from a sample. Its temporal scope was transversal since the variables were measured at a single moment. The study design was “nonexperimental” since no variables were manipulated. The research population was made up of 63 students, distributed in sections: A and B, the sample being made up of 54 students. The technique was Psychometric and the instrument was the “BarOn Ice Emotional Intelligence Inventory – NA Short Form in Children and Adolescents”. The results were: Regarding the general result, 42.6% of the fifth-year secondary school students obtained an average level of emotional intelligence, 18.5% obtained a low level, 13.0% obtained a very low level, 11. 1% high level, 7.4% poor level, 5.6% very high and only 1.9% obtained an excellent level. Regarding the “Intrapersonal” dimension, 57.4% obtained an average level, 14.8% obtained a low level, 11.1% a very low level, 11.1% a high level, 3.7% a very high level and only the 1.9% excellent level. In relation to the dimension “Interpersonal, 42.6% obtained an average level, 18.5% a low level, 11.1% a high level, 11.1% a very high level, 9.3% a very low level and only 7.4% obtained poor level. In the “Adaptability” dimension, 46.3% obtained an average level, 18.5% a low level, 14.8% a high level, 9.3% a very high level, 7.4% a very low level, 1.9% an excellent level. and only 1.9% obtained a poor level. Regarding the dimension “Tension management”, 42.6% obtained an average level in tension management, 25.9% low level, 13.0% high level, 9.3% very low, 5.6 % poor, 1.9% very high level and 1.9% excellent level.
The objective of this study was to determine the levels of emotional intelligence in fifth-year secondary school students of a Public Educational Institution, Requena Convention, 2022. The type of research was simple descriptive because it only describes or estimates parameters in the study population. from a sample. Its temporal scope was transversal since the variables were measured at a single moment. The study design was “nonexperimental” since no variables were manipulated. The research population was made up of 63 students, distributed in sections: A and B, the sample being made up of 54 students. The technique was Psychometric and the instrument was the “BarOn Ice Emotional Intelligence Inventory – NA Short Form in Children and Adolescents”. The results were: Regarding the general result, 42.6% of the fifth-year secondary school students obtained an average level of emotional intelligence, 18.5% obtained a low level, 13.0% obtained a very low level, 11. 1% high level, 7.4% poor level, 5.6% very high and only 1.9% obtained an excellent level. Regarding the “Intrapersonal” dimension, 57.4% obtained an average level, 14.8% obtained a low level, 11.1% a very low level, 11.1% a high level, 3.7% a very high level and only the 1.9% excellent level. In relation to the dimension “Interpersonal, 42.6% obtained an average level, 18.5% a low level, 11.1% a high level, 11.1% a very high level, 9.3% a very low level and only 7.4% obtained poor level. In the “Adaptability” dimension, 46.3% obtained an average level, 18.5% a low level, 14.8% a high level, 9.3% a very high level, 7.4% a very low level, 1.9% an excellent level. and only 1.9% obtained a poor level. Regarding the dimension “Tension management”, 42.6% obtained an average level in tension management, 25.9% low level, 13.0% high level, 9.3% very low, 5.6 % poor, 1.9% very high level and 1.9% excellent level.
Inteligencia emocional, Psicométrica, Intrapersonal., Emotional intelligence, Psychometric, Intrapersonal
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