Habilidades sociales y su relación con el consumo de alcohol, en alumnos de la Universidad Científica del Perú de Iquitos, año 2019
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La tesis habilidades sociales y consumo de alcohol en estudiantes de ingeniería de una universidad de la ciudad de Iquitos, 2019 tiene como Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre habilidades sociales y consumo de alcohol en estudiantes de ingeniería de una universidad de la ciudad de Iquitos, 2019. Metodología: fue de enfoque cuantitativo, de diseño no experimental, de corte transversal y de tipo descriptivo correlacional. La muestra estuvo conformada por 215 adolescentes que oscilan entre 17 y 55 años, los cuales fueron seleccionados por muestreo no probabilístico de tipo intencional. Los instrumentos que se utilizaron fueron: la escala de Habilidades de Gismero y el test de Audit. Resultados: se evidencio que el 51.2% presenta un nivel medio de habilidades sociales, 37.2% un nivel bajo y 11,6% nivel alto. En cuanto al consumo de alcohol se obtuvo que 27,0% no consume alcohol, 66,0% tiene un consumo de alcohol con y sin riesgo apreciable y Consumo en riesgo, 5,1% posee consumo perjudicial y 1,9% consumo severo o presencia de dependencia. Conclusiones: para la relación entre las variables se utilizó la prueba estadística Ci cuadrado y el coeficiente b tau de kendal con 95% de confiabilidad y significancia de p < 0.05. Obteniéndose como resultado principal que existe una relación significativa entre los niveles de habilidades sociales y el consumo de alcohol.
The thesis social skills and alcohol consumption in engineering students of a university in the city of Iquitos, 2019 aims to: Determine the relationship between social skills and alcohol consumption in engineering students of a university in the city of Iquitos, 2019 Methodology: it was a quantitative approach, not experimental design, cross-sectional and correlational descriptive type. The sample consisted of 215 adolescents ranging between 17 and 55 years, which were selected by non-probabilistic sampling of intentional type. The instruments that were used were: the Gismero Skills scale and the Audit test. Results: it was evidenced that 51.2% had a medium level of social skills, 37.2% a low level and 11.6% a high level. Regarding alcohol consumption, it was obtained that 27.0% do not consume alcohol, 66.0% have alcohol consumption with and without appreciable risk and Consumption at risk, 5.1% have harmful consumption and 1.9% severe consumption or presence of dependence. Conclusions: for the relationship between the variables the statistical test Ci square and the b tau coefficient of kendal was used with 95% reliability and significance of p <0.05. Obtaining as a main result that there is a significant relationship between levels of social skills and alcohol consumption.
The thesis social skills and alcohol consumption in engineering students of a university in the city of Iquitos, 2019 aims to: Determine the relationship between social skills and alcohol consumption in engineering students of a university in the city of Iquitos, 2019 Methodology: it was a quantitative approach, not experimental design, cross-sectional and correlational descriptive type. The sample consisted of 215 adolescents ranging between 17 and 55 years, which were selected by non-probabilistic sampling of intentional type. The instruments that were used were: the Gismero Skills scale and the Audit test. Results: it was evidenced that 51.2% had a medium level of social skills, 37.2% a low level and 11.6% a high level. Regarding alcohol consumption, it was obtained that 27.0% do not consume alcohol, 66.0% have alcohol consumption with and without appreciable risk and Consumption at risk, 5.1% have harmful consumption and 1.9% severe consumption or presence of dependence. Conclusions: for the relationship between the variables the statistical test Ci square and the b tau coefficient of kendal was used with 95% reliability and significance of p <0.05. Obtaining as a main result that there is a significant relationship between levels of social skills and alcohol consumption.
Adolescencia, Alcohol, Habilidades sociales, Consumo de alcohol, Adolescence, Alcohol, Social skills, Consumption alcohol
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