Método de Caso Jurídico acceso al empleo del servidor público a plazo indeterminado casación N° 20310-2022. Lima
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El presente análisis jurídico del trabajo de investigación denominada acceso al empleo del servidor público a plazo indeterminado, se basa en una sentencia casatoria emitida por la Segunda Sala de Derecho Constitucional y Social Transitoria de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la República, para que se reconozca a los servidores judiciales sujetos a una relación de trabajo a plazo fijo sujeto a modalidad en ser calificados como trabajadores sujetos de trabajo de naturaleza indeterminada. La materia en discusión es la transgresión del debido proceso y del artículo 05 de la Ley N° 28175 Ley Marco del Empleo Público, mismas que, a consideración del procurador público, debían esclarecerse a través de la sentencia casatoria antes mencionada (Casación N° 20310-2022. Lima). Así, entonces, se desprende de la misma que la parte demandante Federación Nacional de Sindicatos del Poder Judicial – FENASIPOJ PERÚ, interpusieron demanda en donde solicitaron que se emita resolución administrativa disponiendo el ingreso a la condición de contrato indeterminado de los trabajadores judiciales contratados a plazo fijo, bajo el régimen del decreto Legislativo número 728; más el pago de intereses legales, costas y costos del proceso.
El principal objetivo de la casación en mención es resolver la controversia originada a raíz del acta de suspensión de huelga del veintiocho de noviembre de dos mil diecinueve en donde el Poder Judicial se comprometió a emitir Resolución Administrativa para el ingreso a la condición de contrato indeterminado de los trabajadores judiciales; para determinar si los órganos de menor jerarquía resolvieron conforme a derecho. Como resultado de dicho análisis se obtuvo que mediante la resolución del quince de diciembre de dos mil veintidós se declaró procedente el recurso, obrante a fojas noventa y ocho a ciento dos; de acuerdo a ello el recurso fue declarado fundado, de las dos infracciones normativas mencionadas, solo una declarado procedente que es la infracción del artículo 5° de la Ley 28175, Ley de Marco del Empleo Público.
En consecuencia, prevaleció la Ley 28175, Ley de Marco del Empleo Público; y, declararon infundada la demanda en todos sus extremos interpuesta por la Federación Nacional de Sindicatos del Poder Judicial – FENASIPOJ PERÚ, sobre relación laboral indeterminado y otros.
The present legal analysis of the research work called access to public servant employment with an indefinite period is based on a cassation decision issued by the Second Chamber of Constitutional and Social Transitory Law of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Republic, for the recognition of judicial servants subject to a fixed-term employment relationship subject to qualification as workers subject to indefinite employment. The matter under discussion is the violation of due process and article 05 of Law No. 28175, Framework Law of Public Employment, which, in the opinion of the Public Ministry, must be clarified through the aforementioned cassation decision (Cassation No. 20310 -2022). . Lime). Thus, it is clear that the plaintiff National Federation of Unions of the Judiciary – FENASIPOJ PERÚ, filed a lawsuit requesting the issuance of an administrative resolution that provides for the admission to the condition of indeterminate contract of judicial workers hired under the regime of Legislative Decree No.728; plus the payment of legal interest, costs and expenses of the procedure. The main objective of the cassation in question is to resolve the controversy arising from the strike suspension act of November 28, 2019, where the Judiciary undertook to issue an Administrative Resolution for entry into the condition of indefinite contract. judicial workers; determine whether the lower bodies resolved in accordance with the law. As a result of said analysis, it was obtained that by resolution of December 15, two thousand twenty-two, the appeal was declared admissible, on pages ninety-eight to one hundred and two; Consequently, the appeal was declared founded, of the two regulatory violations mentioned, only one was declared admissible, which is the violation of article 5 of Law 28175, Framework Law of Public Employment. Consequently, Law 28175, Framework Law of Public Employment, prevailed; and, they declared the lawsuit unfounded in all its aspects filed by the National Federation of Unions of the Judiciary – FENASIPOJ PERÚ, regarding an indeterminate employment relationship and others.
The present legal analysis of the research work called access to public servant employment with an indefinite period is based on a cassation decision issued by the Second Chamber of Constitutional and Social Transitory Law of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Republic, for the recognition of judicial servants subject to a fixed-term employment relationship subject to qualification as workers subject to indefinite employment. The matter under discussion is the violation of due process and article 05 of Law No. 28175, Framework Law of Public Employment, which, in the opinion of the Public Ministry, must be clarified through the aforementioned cassation decision (Cassation No. 20310 -2022). . Lime). Thus, it is clear that the plaintiff National Federation of Unions of the Judiciary – FENASIPOJ PERÚ, filed a lawsuit requesting the issuance of an administrative resolution that provides for the admission to the condition of indeterminate contract of judicial workers hired under the regime of Legislative Decree No.728; plus the payment of legal interest, costs and expenses of the procedure. The main objective of the cassation in question is to resolve the controversy arising from the strike suspension act of November 28, 2019, where the Judiciary undertook to issue an Administrative Resolution for entry into the condition of indefinite contract. judicial workers; determine whether the lower bodies resolved in accordance with the law. As a result of said analysis, it was obtained that by resolution of December 15, two thousand twenty-two, the appeal was declared admissible, on pages ninety-eight to one hundred and two; Consequently, the appeal was declared founded, of the two regulatory violations mentioned, only one was declared admissible, which is the violation of article 5 of Law 28175, Framework Law of Public Employment. Consequently, Law 28175, Framework Law of Public Employment, prevailed; and, they declared the lawsuit unfounded in all its aspects filed by the National Federation of Unions of the Judiciary – FENASIPOJ PERÚ, regarding an indeterminate employment relationship and others.
Acceso al empleo, Contrato de trabajo, Contrato de trabajo a plazo indeterminado, Debido proceso, Ley Marco del Empleo Público, Régimen público, Régimen privado, Servidor Público, Access to employment, Employment contract, Indefinite-term employment contract, Due process, Framework Law of Public Employment, Public regime, Public Servant
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